The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) concluded its series of webinars through a discussion on teaching, learning, and assessing 21st century skills in Thailand, which was held on October 8, 2021 via Zoom teleconference and broadcasted live via OECD Education and Skills Facebook page.

OECD Senior Analyst Stephan Vincent Lancrin discussed the main objective of their program, which is to bring projects and programs into scale, and eventually manage to change curriculum and practices at the system level, citing Thailand as an example.

Thailand Minister of Education Treenuch Thienthong delivered her welcome message, expressing her appreciation to OECD for inviting them to speak in their webinar. She highlighted the importance of not only learning from global perspective but also local experiences. Minister Thienthong mentioned a very challenging journey of Thailand due to COVID-19 with only limited natural resources.

Advisor on Competency-based Curriculum Dr. Sirikorn Maneerin discussed the timeline of how Thailand transformed into competency-based education in 2019. She mentioned Thailand’s efforts on National Education Reform plan. Dr. Maneerin recalled the strong demand of education reform in Thailand seven years ago, wherein important sets of education reform committee have been set up in the country. She also shared the six core competencies being implemented in Thailand curriculum—self-management, higher order thinking, communication, teamwork collaboration, civic literacy, and sustainable coexistence with nature and science.

Thailand Research Fund founding director Professor Vicharn Panich emphasized the significance of systemic research as it plays a vital role in the success of education. He also mentioned the Equitable Education Fund (EEF) in Thailand and its very strong information system, which works in many ways. Prof. Panich also added the important pilot projects on education system reforms supported by Thailand’s EEF.

Equitable Education Fund Deputy Managing Director Dr. Kraiyos Patrawart highlighted the importance of having strong evidence, knowledge-based reforms, as well as participation on international networking such as OECD. He also shared Thailand’s new approach to education system reform with multi-levels reform mechanisms. Dr. Patrawart shared Thailand’s national and area-based approach on education reforms, including partnerships with various Civil Society Organizations.

OECD Director for Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher discussed competence-based examples and how they differ per country. He also mentioned the challenges that may be encountered in piloting education reforms in various OECD countries.
The LCC Secretariat wishes to express its gratitude to OECD for engaging us on its series of webinars on education issues, systems, and reforms across the world. It inspired us more to explore and draw lessons from other countries and how they have moved from idea to implementation in fostering and assessing creativity and critical thinking, which may be applied in the education system in the Philippines.
Jonnabel Escartin