Literacy Laws and Policies

This module presents a list of laws and policies pertaining to literacy, basic and higher education, and technical education and skills development. It also serves as a repository of LCC issuances such as Council Resolutions, memoranda, advisories, including Executive Orders and Resolutions of some Local Government Units on the establishment of their local LCCs.

Republic Act Number (R.A No.)TitleDate EnactedObjectives/Salient Provisions
R.A. 11713Excellence in Teacher Education ActApril 27, 2022The State shall ensure and enhance the quality education and training of teachers nationwide by establishing a scholarship program for deserving students pursuing teacher education degree programs, and for teachers and school leaders pursuing graduated degree programs, and providing a dynamic, modern, and equitable educaion system through the national leadership of the Teacher Education Council.
R.A. 11650Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusion Education ActMarch 11, 2022This policy of the State shall recognize, protect, and promote the rights of all learners with disablities, including those belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin, to education based on equal opportunity, make such education compulsory and accessible to them by ensuring that no learner with disablitiy is deprived of the right of access to an inclusive, equitable, and quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for them.
IRR of R.A. 11218An Act Recognizing the British School Manila as an Educational Institution of International Character Granting the School Certain Prerogatives Conducive to its Development)March 26, 2021
R.A. 11522An Act Declaring May 18 of Every Year as the National Higher Education DayFebruary 05, 2021To ensure a meaningful observance of this special working day as herein declared, all heads of government agencies and instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations, local government units, public and private educational institutions, employers in the private sector, and industry associations, shall encourage and afford sufficient time and opportunities for their students or employees to engage and participate in any activity conducted within the premises of their schools, offices or establishments in celebration of the “National Higher Education Day”.
IRR of R.A. 11255An Act Recognizing the Everest Academy as an Educational Institution of International Character and Granting the Academy Certain Prerogatives to Promote its DevelopmentFebruary 03, 2021
IRR of R.A. 11237An Act Recognizing the Faith Academy as an Educational Institution of International Character and Granting the Academy Certain Prerogatives to Promote Its DevelopmentFebruary 03, 2021
IRR of R.A. 11037An Act Institutionalizing a National Feeding Program for Undernourished Children in Public Day Care, Kindergarten and Elementary Schools to Combat Hunger and Undernutrition Among Filipino Children and Appropriating Funds ThereforFebruary 03, 2021
IRR of R.A. 10871An Act Requiring Basic Education Students to Undergo Age-Specific Basic Life Support TrainingFebruary 03, 2021
IRR of R.A. 10676An Act Protecting the Amateur Nature of Student-Athletes in the Philippines by Regulating the Residency Requirement and Prohibiting the Commercialization of Student-AthletesFebruary 03, 2021
R.A. 11551An Act Integrating Labor Education in the Tertiary Education CurriculumDecember 23, 2020Integration of Labor Education in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Curriculum. – All TVIs offering nondegree certificate and diploma courses ranging from one (1) to three (3) years shall integrate labor education as an elective course in the TVET curriculum.

TVIs offering short-term courses ranging from one (1) month to less than one (1) year are encouraged to integrate labor education in the modular program of the TVET curriculum.ℒαwρhi৷

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), shall develop the appropriate modules of instructions and other relevant materials relating to labor education in TVIs.

The coverage and quality of labor education shall be included in comprehensive curriculum review to be conducted by the CHED and the TESDA.
IRR of R.A. 11190An Act Creating A High School For The Arts In The Province Of Bataan To Be Known As The Bataan High School For The Arts, And Appropriating Funds ThereforDecember 03, 2020
R.A. 11510Alternative Learning System ActJuly 27, 2020An Act Institutionalizing the Alternative Learning System in Basic Education for Out-Of-School Children in Special Cases and Adults and appropriating funds therefore
R.A. 11394Mandatory Provision of Neutral Desks in Educational Institutions ActAugust 22, 2019The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote the equal development of students, including those who are left-handed. Towards this end, the State shall require educational institutions to provide appropriate armchairs to address the needs of the left-handed student population.
R.A. 11369National Students’ Day ActAugust 08, 2019The State recognizes the value of inculcating love of country and social responsibility among the youth, and supports the observance of International Students’ Day which was spearheaded by the International Students’ Council in 1941 to commemorate the execution of nine (9) Czechoslovakian students who fought against the Nazi occupation.
R.A. 11358National Vision Screening ActJuly 31, 2019An Act Establishing a National Vision Screening Program for Kindergarten Pupils and Appropriating Funds Therefor
R.A. 11480An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class DaysJuly 22, 2019In the implementation of this Act, the Secretary of Education shall determine the end of the regular school year, taking into consideration the Christmas and summer vacations, and the peculiar circumstances of each region. In the exercise of this authority, the Secretary of Education may authorize the holding of Saturday classes for elementary and secondary levels for public and private schools.
R.A. 11476An Act Institutionalizing Good Manners and Right Conduct and Values Education in the K to 12 Curriculum, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and For Other PurposesJuly 22, 2019Good Manners and Right Conduct and Values Education shall replace the existing Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao curriculum and be institutionalized.
R.A. 11470An Act Creating and Establishing the National Academy of Sports and Providing Funds ThereforJuly 22, 2019This is hereby created and established a National Academy of Sports System (NAS System) to develop the athletic skills and talents of students in world class sports facilities which are at par with international standards.
R.A. 11314Student Fare Discount ActApril 17, 2019The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate, steps to make such education accessible to all. In addition, Paragraph 3, Section 2 of the same Article directs the State to establish and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other incentives, which shall be available to deserving students in both public and private schools, especially to the underprivileged.
R.A. 11255An Act Recognizing the Everest Academy as an Educational Institution of International Character and Granting the Academy Certain Prerogatives to Promote its DevelopmentMarch 29, 2019
R.A. 11237An Act Recognizing the Faith Academy as an Educational Institution of International Character and Granting the Academy Certain Prerogatives to Promote Its DevelopmentMarch 08, 2019
R.A. 11218An Act Recognizing the British School Manila as an Educational Institution of International Character Granting the School Certain Prerogatives Conducive to its Development)February 14, 2019
R.A. 11206Secondary School Career Guidance and Counseling ActFebruary 14, 2019The State recognizes the role of the youth in nation building and in the acceleration of social progress. In this regard, the State shall ensure their total development by promoting relevant education that shall generate human resources that shall be responsive to the needs of the government, industry, and the economy.
R.A. 11194Gabaldon School Buildings Conservation ActJanuary 18, 2019It is hereby declared the policy of the State to conserve and promote the country’s historical and cultural heritage resources. Towards this end, it is shall strengthen its effort ad pursue a more proactive role in the conservation and restoration of built heritage, such as the Gabaldon school buildings, to preserve their architectural, historical, and social significance.
R.A. 11190An Act Creating A High School For The Arts In The Province Of Bataan To Be Known As The Bataan High School For The Arts, And Appropriating Funds ThereforJanuary 10, 2019
R.A. 10871An Act Requiring Basic Education Students to Undergo Age-Specific Basic Life Support TrainingJuly 17, 2018
R.A. 11037An Act Institutionalizing a National Feeding Program for Undernourished Children in Public Day Care, Kindergarten and Elementary Schools to Combat Hunger and Undernutrition Among Filipino Children and Appropriating Funds ThereforJune 20, 2018
R.A. 10931An Act Promoting Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education by Providing for Free Tuition and Other Schools Fees in State and Local Universities and Colleges, State-Run Technical Vocational Institutions Establishing the Tertiary Education Subsidy and Student Loan Program Strengthening the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education and Appropriating Funds ThereforJuly 25, 2016The State hereby recognizes the complementary roles of public and private higher education institutions and technical-vocational institutions in the educational system and the invaluable contribution that the private tertiary schools have made and will make to education.
R.A. 10871Basic Life Support Training in Schools ActJuly 17, 2016the State shall ensure that able-bodied citizens are equipped with the necessary knowledge and basic skills to respond to certain health emergencies.
R.A. 10743National Teachers’ Day ActJanuary 29, 2016To ensure a meaningful observance of this special working holiday, all heads of government agencies and instrumentalities, including government-owned and -controlled corporations especially those that are directly dealing with the teachers, including local government units, and employers in the private sector, shall encourage and afford sufficient time and opportunities for their employees to engage and participate in any activity conducted within the premises of their offices or establishments in celebration of the “National Teachers’ Day
R.A. 10679 Youth Entrepreneurship ActAugust 27, 2015To promote the sustained development of young Filipinos whose aptitude and skill in the field of finance and entrepreneurship shall be encouraged and honed through education and specialized training program.
R.A. 10676An Act Protecting the Amateur Nature of Student-Athletes in the Philippines by Regulating the Residency Requirement and Prohibiting the Commercialization of Student-AthletesAugust 26, 2015
R.A. 10922An Act Declaring the Second Week of November of Every Year as Economic and Financial Literacy WeekJuly 27, 2015The State recognizes the growth potential of the Country through a financially literate people who make sound financial decisions, mobilize savings, and contribute ideas on improving economic and financial policies and programs.
R.A. 10665 Open High School System ActJuly 09, 2015It is hereby declared the policy of the State to broaden access to relevant quality education through the employment of an alternative secondary education program that will enable the youth to overcome personal, geographical, socioeconomic and physical constraints, to encourage them to complete secondary education. This is in line with the constitutional policy that mandates the State to “encourage non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs”, as stated in Article XIV, Section 2, paragraph 4 of the 1987 Constitution.
R.A. 10650 Open Distance Learning ActDecember 09, 2014It is hereby declared the policy of the State to expand and further democratize access to quality tertiary education through the promotion and application of open learning as a philosophy of access to educational services, and the use of distance education as an appropriate, efficient and effective system of delivering quality higher and technical educational services in the country.
R.A. 10648 Iskolar ng Bayan Act of 2014November 27, 2014It is the declared policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality and accessible education at all levels and to establish and maintain a financial assistance system that shall be available to deserving students, especially the underprivileged.
R.A. 10647 Ladderized Education Act of 2014July 28, 2014Provides for multiple pathways for those in technical vocational education and training (TVET) stream to continue to higher education and obtain college degrees by going through the TVET ladder or so-called access ramps embedded into the higher education degree structure. This allows for easy transition and progression of students to go upward in their career at their own pace and requirements.
R.A. 10627Anti-Bullying Act of 2013September 12, 2013For purposes of this Act, “bullying” shall refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the other student; infringing on the rights of the other student at school; or materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school
R.A. 10618 Rural Farm Schools ActSeptember 03, 2013It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Further to this, the State shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society and encourage nonformal, informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.
R.A. 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013May 15, 2013The State shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people, the country and society-at-large.

R.A. 10410 Early Years ActMarch 26, 2013The State shall institutionalize a National System for Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) that is comprehensive, integrative and sustainable, that involves multisectoral and interagency collaboration at the national and local levels among government; among service providers, families and communities, and among the public and private sectors, nongovernment organizations; professional associations and academic institutions.
R.A. 10556An Act Declaring Every 27th Day of November as “Araw ng Pagbasa”. A Regular Working HolidayNovember 27, 2012The State recognizes and supports endeavors that promote reading and literacy, motivate awareness and uphold our Filipino heritage and culture, including educational activities focusing of the life of former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. whose role in our country history was influenced by great writings of different individuals.
R.A. 10556An Act Declaring Every 27th Day of November as “Araw ng Pagbasa”. A Regular Working HolidayJuly 23, 2012The State recognizes and supports endeavors that promote reading and literacy, motivate awareness and uphold our Filipino heritage and culture, including educational activities focusing of the life of former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. whose role in our country history was influenced by great writings of different individuals.
R.A. 10157 Kindergarten Education ActJanuary 20, 2012In consonance with the Millennium Development Goals on achieving Education for All (EFA) by the year 2015, it is hereby declared the policy of the State to provide equal opportunities for all children to avail of accessible mandatory and compulsory kindergarten education that effectively promotes physical, social, intellectual, emotional and skills stimulation and values formation to sufficiently prepare them for formal elementary schooling. This Act shall apply to elementary school system being the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education. Thus, kindergarten will now be an integral part of the basic education system of the country.
IRR of R.A. 10122Rule and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 7165, Otherwise Known as “An Act Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes as Amended by Republic Act No. 10122June 29, 2010IRR of R.A 10122
R.A. 10122An Act Strengthening the Literacy Coordinating Council by Amending Republic Act No. 7165, Otherwise Known as “An Act Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other PurposesMay 27, 2010The State shall institutionalize an interagency coordinating and advisory body to synchronize and strengthen policies and efforts toward the universalization of literacy.
R.A. 10086 Strengthening Peoples’ Nationalism through Philippine History ActJuly 27, 2009The State shall likewise give utmost priority not only to the research on history but also to the popularization of history. In this way, the State will be able to build a Philippine national identity based on unity and pride in diversity held together by a common history.
R.A. 10066 National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009July 27, 2009The State shall likewise endeavor to create a balanced atmosphere where the historic past coexists in harmony with modern society. It shall approach the problem of conservation in an integrated and holistic manner, cutting across all relevant disciplines and technologies. The State shall further administer the heritage resources in a spirit of stewardship for the inspiration and benefit of the present and future generations.
R.A. 9512 Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008December 12, 2008Consistent with the policy of the State to protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature, and in recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation building and the role of education to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and development, the state shall promote national awareness on the role of natural resources in economic growth and the importance of environmental conservation and ecological balance towards sustained national development.
R.A. 9509 Barangay Livelihood and Skills Training Act of 2008August 12, 2008An Act establishing livelihood and skills training centers in fourth, fifth and sixth class municipalities, and for other purposes
R.A. 9165Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002June 07, 2002Specific Provisions: Article IV, Sections 42 to 45
R.A. 8545Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education ActFebruary 24, 1998It is a declared policy of the State in conformity with the mandate of the Constitution, to promote and make quality education accessible to all Filipino citizens. The State also hereby recognizes the complementary roles of public and private educational institutions in the educational system and the invaluable contribution that the private schools have made and will make to education. For these purposes, the State shall provide the mechanisms to improve quality in private education by maximizing the use of existing resources of private education, recognizing in the process the government’s responsibility to provide basic elementary and secondary education, post-secondary vocational and technical education and higher education as having priority over its other functions.
R.A. 8525Adopt-A-School Act of 1998February 14, 1998It is the policy of the State to provide quality and relevant education to the Filipino youth and to encourage private initiative to support public education. Towards this end, the State shall institute programs to encourage private companies and enterprises to help in the upgrading and modernization of public schools in the country, particularly those in poverty-stricken provinces.
R.A. 8496Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System Act of 1997February 12, 1998The State shall give priority to Research and Development, invention, innovation, and their utilization; and to Science and Technology education, training and services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their application to the country’s productive systems and national life. To achieve these, the State hereby establishes a PSHS System that will assume a leadership role in secondary level science and technology education.
R.A. 8292An Act Providing for the Uniform Composition and Powers of the Governing Boards, The Manner of Appointment and Term of Office of the President of Chartered State Universities and Colleges, and for Other PurposesJune 6, 1997It is the declared policy of the State to establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people society.
R.A. 7796“Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994” or the “TESDA Act of 1994”.August 25, 1994The State shall encourage active participation of various concerned sectors, particularly private
enterprises, being direct participants in and immediate beneficiaries of a trained and skilled workforce, in providing technical education and skills development opportunities.
R.A 7722An Act Creating the Commission on Higher Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other PurposesMay 18, 1994The State shall protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible to all. The State shall likewise ensure and protect academic freedom and shall promote its exercise and observance for the continuing intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and research, the development of responsible and effective leadership, the education of high-level and middle-level professionals, and the enrichment of our historical and cultural heritage.
R.A. 7165An Act Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other PurposesNovember 25, 1991It is the policy of the State to give the highest priority to the adoption of measures for the total eradication of illiteracy. For this purpose, it shall encourage and nationalize the formulation of policies and the implementation of programs on non-formal, informal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school study programs particularly those that respond to community needs.
B.P. 232 Education Act of 1982September 11, 1982It is the policy of the State to established and maintain a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development. Toward this end, the government shall ensure, within the context of a free and democratic system, maximum contribution of the educational system to the attainment of the following national developmental goals:
R.A. 896Elementary Education Act of 1953June 20, 1953In pursuance of them of all schools expressed in section five, Article XIV of the Constitution, and as amplified by subsequent legislation, it shall be the main function of the elementary school to develop healthy citizens of good moral character, equipped with the knowledge, habits, and ideals needed for a happy and useful home and community life.

This page contains various policy issuances of the Department of Education (DepEd) subcategorized into DepEd Orders, DepEd Memoranda, and Office Memoranda.

DepEd Orders

DepEd Order NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
DO No. 31, s. 2022Child Rights Policy: Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education2022At the center of Philippine basic education is the child and learner. In pursuance of the holistic development of the child, the Department envisions child-centered and child-caring basic education schools, learnning centers, and offices, which perofrm their duty to respect, protext, fulfilll, and actively promote the education rights of choldren so they may lead productive and happy lives as they partiicpate in nation-building.
DO No. 28, s. 2022Implementing Guidelines on the Release, Receipt, Utilization, Monitoring and Reporting of Program Support Funds for Alternative Learning System for Calendar Year 2022 and Years Thereafter2022The guidelines aim to support the field offices in order to preapre for the implementation and operationalization of Republic Act No. 11510, also known as the Alterantive Learning System Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and to promote and support the program management activities and capacity building programs for ALS implementers, especially for the roll out of the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curricum.
DO No. 27, s. 2022Conduct of Rapid Assessment in School Year 2021–2022 for Learning Recovery as Well as in Preparation for the 2024 Baseline System Assessment2022The test admnistration for SY 2021-2022 will serve as a rapdi assessment to identify learning gaps and design appropriate interventions, as well as pre[aration for establishing a new syste, assessment baseline in 2024.
DO No. 25, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2018 (Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classess During (Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)2022The Department of Education issues the Amendment to DepEd Order (DO) No. 13, s. 2018
titled Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classess During (Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program to assist schools in identifying learners who are most in need of instructional support and layout mechanisms by which remedial classes during summer can be maximized to address learning gaps brought primarily by the abrupt pedagogical shift due to the pandemic.
DO No. 24, s. 2022Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 20302022The Department of Education (DepEd) adopts the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 as the medium term plan for the DepEd covering all formal education from Kindergarten (K), Elementary, Junior High School (JHS), to Senior High Schol (SHS), as well as nonformal education through the Alternative Learning System (ALS). The BEDP has been developed through a highly participatory and consultative process that considered the views and priorities of all stakeholders in the education sector.
DO No. 23, s. 2022Child Find Policy for Learners with Disabilities Towards Inclusive Education2022This policy articulates the processes in ensuring that learners with disabilities are identified, located, and evlauated to facilitate their inclusion in the general basic education school system; provides means for the schools to monitor implementation of the Child Find Process; and promotes cooperatie advocacy for children with disability and developental delays among stakeholders in the communities.
DO No. 21, s. 2022Extending the Effectivity of DepEd Order No. 018, s. 2021 to School Year 2021–2022 and Amending Certain Provisions Thereof2022The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the high value of awards and recognition and their profound effect on learners’ morale, motivation, and self-efficacy, particularly in these extraordinary and challenging times of public health emergency. In view of this, the Department extends the effectivity of DepEd Order No. 018, s. 2021 to School Year 7 to 9, and Grade 11 for Academic Excellence Awards and Performance Awards for Kindergarten.
DO No. 18, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 042, s. 2021
(Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Special Education Program)
2022The Department of Education (DepEd), issued DepEd Order (DO) No. 042, s. 2021 (Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Special Education (SPED) Program) to provide guidance on the rules for the release, allocation, utilization, and liquidation/reporting of the SPED Program Support Fund (PSF) for public elementary and secondary schools offering SPED Program, as well as regional offices and schools division offices. The SPED PSF supports the implementation of appropriate programs and services to Learners with Disabilities.
DO No. 17, s. 2022Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes2022These guidelines seek to provide guidance to schools on the mechanis,s and standards of the Face to Face classes and ensure their effective, efficient, and sage implementation. This is anchored on the same shared responsibility princinple which was introduced and adopted during the pilot implementation as reflected in the DepEd-DOH Joint Memoandum Circular (JMC) No. 1, s. 2021 titled, Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Face to Face Learning Modality.
DO No. 15, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 045, s. 2021

(Policy Guidelines on the Selection of and Minimum Requirements for the Conversion of Certain Schools with SPED Centers Into Prototype Inclusive Learning Resource Centers)
2022The conversion of the SPED classrooms into Prototype Inclusive Learning Resource Centers (ILRC) models with 10 support service areas was programmed for three consecutive Fiscal Years (FY): four support service areas in FY 2021; three support service areas in FY 2022 and the remaining three supprot service areas in FY 2023. The scope and program of wor prepared by the SDO for the procurement was based on the number of support service areas per FY. The conversion of classrooms needs to be phased as it will take time before the classrooms can be operational as an ILRC.
DO No. 14, s. 2022Adoption of E-Saliksik: The DepEd Research Portal2022DepEd issues this Order to establish E-Saliksik: The DepEd Research Portal (E-Saliksik for Education Saliksik or the Portal), which shall serve as the central repository for completed research which were funded by the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF). It shall also host, with permission of authors and/or owners, research studies completed by DepEd partners in the education sector. E-Saliksik is expected to improve access to education research and foster the culture of research.
DO No. 12, s. 2022Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources and Needed Devices and Equipment and Funding Relevant Activities for the Implementation of Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan2022The policy establishes the guidelines that will enable DepEd to provide learning resources in the implementation of the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan. It also established the guidelines on the releases, utilization, and liquidation of the Flexible Learning Options (FLO) funds.
DO No. 1, s. 2022Revised Policy Guidelines on Home Schooling Program2022The Department of Education issues the enclosed Revise Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling Program. This is consistent with its mandate to establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society (Article XIV, Section 2.2, 1987 Philippine Constitution), and guided by the constitutional directive to support the natural and primary right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and development of moral character (Article II, Sec. 12, 1987 Philippine Constitution).
D.O. No. 27, s. 2021Implementing Guidelines on the Release, Utilization, Monitoring and Reporting of Program Support Funds for Alternative Learning System for Calendar Year 20212021The guidelines aim to promote and support the program management activities and capacity building programs for ALS implementers, especially for the roll out of the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. This is in line with the thrust of DepEd to strengthen and expand the ALS program, to pivot from access to quality consistent with Sulong Edukalidad and to comply with the prescribed minimum public health standards and various levels of community quarantine protocols during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
D.O. No. 22, s. 2021Financial Education Policy2021The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Financial Education Policy. This is pursuant to pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 10922 or the Economic and Financial Literacy Act of 2016 and RA 10679 or the Youth Entrepreneurship Act of 2015.
This policy aims to intensify the integration of Financial Education in the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in various disciplines across grade levels
D.O. No. 21, s. 2021Implementing Guidelines on the Release, Utilization, Monitoring and Reporting of Program Support Funds for the Pilot Implementation of Inclusion of Alternative Learning System in School-Based Management for School Year 2020–20212021The guidelines aim to promote and support the inclusion of ALS in School-Based Management as indicated in the ALS 2.0 Roadmap. This is in line with the thrust of DepEd to strengthen and expand the ALS program, to pivot from access to quality consistent with Sulong Edukalidad, and to provide implementation guidelines to schools during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
D.O. No. 10, s. 2021Convening of the Philippine Forum for Inclusive Quality Basic Education (Educ Forum)2021The Department of Education (DepEd) convenes the The Philippine Forum for Quality Basic Education (Educ Forum). The Educ Forum is a multi-stakeholder platform for consultation, collaborative research and analysis, and high-level advice aimed at supporting strategic basic education policy, planning and programming at the national level.
The Educ Forum shall also serve as the Local Education Group (LEG) of the Philippines in the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
DO No. 18, s. 2020Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources
in the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan
2020The policy establishes the guidelines that will enable DepEd to provide learning resources in the implementation of the Basic Education Leaning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). It also establishes the guidelines on the release, utilization, and liquidation of support funds for the printing and delivery of self-learning modules and other learning resources.
DO No. 14, s. 2020Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in
Basic Education Offices and Schools
2020This Policy facilitates the safe return of learners, teacher and personnel to schools/CLCs and offices, at the time and to the extent as will be allowed by the DOH, the IATF, or the President.
DO No. 35, s. 2019Division Policy on Curriculum Teaching and Instructional Materials (IMs) Localization2019To this effect, the City Schools Division of Dasmariñas through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Unit in cooperation with the Learning Resource Management Development System (LRMDS) will spearhead the crafting of localized instructional materials specifically for key stage 1 learners as first step towards localization.
DO No. 21, s. 2019Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program2019The Policy provides a comprehensive explanation of the K to 12 Basic education Program and its components across all key stages. It also provides a clear framework for the monitoring and evaluation of the program.
DO No. 13, s. 2019Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Enhanced
Alternative Learning System 2.0
2019These guidelines aim to ensure that the implementation of enhanced ALS 2.0 by the central office, regional, and schools division offices, and other ALS program implementers and stakeholders is strategic and efficiently and effectively managed.
DO No. 30, s. 2018Preventive Drug Education Program Policy for Curriculum and Instruction2018The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Preventive Drug Education Program Policy for Curriculum and Instruction in support of the National Drug Education Program as provided in Section 43, Article IV of Republic Act No. 9165, hereunder quoted as follows: Instruction on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated in the elementary, secondary and tertiary curricula of all public and private schools, whether general, technical, vocational or agro-industrial as well as in nonformal, informal and indigenous learning systems. Such instructions shall include: (1) Adverse effects of the abuse and misuse of dangerous drugs on the person, the family, the school and the community; (2) Preventive measures against drug abuse; (3) Health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal and economic dimensions and implications of the drug problem; (4) Steps to take when intervention on behalf of a drug dependent needed, as well as the services available for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; and (5) Misconceptions about the use of dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to, the importance and safety of dangerous drugs for medical and therapeutic use as well as the differentiation between medical patients and drug dependents in order to avoid confusion and accidental stigmatization in the consciousness of the students otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2001.
DO No. 19, s. 2018Guidelines on the Utilization of the National Literacy Awards Support Funds For Deped Regional Offices2018Guidelines on the Utilization of the National Literacy Awards Support Funds for DepEd Regional Offices
DDO No. 18, s. 2017Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2017 Every Child a reader Program Funds for the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program: Professional Development Component2017The Program Aims to Develop the Filipino Children the Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Attitude, which will contribute the Lifelong Learning: With this, it is the goal of DepEd to improve the Literacy and Numeracy of the learners from kinder to grade 3 following the K to 12 Basic education Curriculum by establishing a Sustainable and coat effective professional development system for the Teachers.
DO No.33, s. 2016Guidelines on the Utilization of the 2016 Every Child A Reader Program Funds for the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program: Professional Development Component2016The purpose of the Program is to develop in Filipino children literacy and numeracy skills and attitudes that will contribute to lifelong learning. It is the goal of the DepEd to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of Kindergarten to Grade 3 learners following the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum by establishing a sustainable and cost effective professional development system for teachers.
DO No. 17, s. 20152015 Guidelines on the Abot-Alam Program2015Abot-Alam is a nationwide convergence program of various national government agencies and non-government organizations and institutions under the leadership of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the National Youth Commission (NYC) with the vision of helping our out-of-school outh (OSY) through opportunities for education, entrepreneurship, and employment. It is a national strategy to organize efforts in integrating programs for the OSYs who are 15 to 30 years old and who have not yet completed basic or higher education and are currently not in school, whether employed or unemployed.
DO No. 12, s. 2015Guidelines on the Early Language, Literacy and
Numeracy Program: Professional Development Component
2015In line with one of the President’s Ten Point Basic Education Agenda which states that “every child should be a reader by Grade 1,” the Department of Education (DepEd) is strengthening its reading program through the implementation of the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program. It aims to improve reading and numeracy skills of Kinder to Grade 3 pupils, following K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, and to establish a sustainable and cost-effective professional development system for teachers.
DO No. 26, s. 2003Supplemental Provisions/Guidelines on the Strengthening Of Local Literacy Coordinating Councils And Literacy Implementing Units2003The Joint Circular aims to reinforce the efforts in addressing the various literacy concerns in the country and to ensure proper implementation, management and sustainability of these literacy programs and projects.

DepEd Memoranda

DepEd Memorandum NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
DM No. 67, s. 20242024 National Literacy Conference and AwardsNovember 27, 2024The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), announces the conduct of the 2024 National Literacy Conference and Awards with the theme, Cultivating Literate and Peaceful Communities: Practices, Partnerships, and Pathways on December 10-13, 2024 (inclusive of travel time) at Waterworld Hotel, Mandaue City, Cebu. The 2024 National Literacy Conference will be live-streamed simultaneously on DepEd Philippines and the Literacy Coordinating Council’s Facebook pages.
DM No. 30, s. 20242024 National Literacy AwardsJune 18, 2024The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), issues the enclosed National Literacy Awards (NLA) Guidelines, which provide guidance to all DepEd Central and field offices and other concerned agencies and organizations in reconfnizing outstanding programs that significantly contribute to the universalization of literacy in the Philippines.
DM No. 22, s. 20222022 National Literacy AwardsMarch 28, 2022As provided for under Republic Act (RA) 7165, as amended by RA 1O122, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) shall “adopt measures for the universalization of literacy,” “provide policy and program directions for all literacy endeavors in the country,” “recommend strategies on the development of a mass movement for the promotion of life skills and education,” formulate policies towards maximizing public and pivate sector support and involvement on literacy programs, projects, and activities,” and ‘propose measures on how to organize and strengthen support’ structuress for literacy at the regional, provincial, city, muncipal and barangay levels,” among others.
DM No. 54, s. 2022Research O’ Clock 2022 (Finding the Right Blend: Interventions on the Blended Learning Modality)2022In line with the gradual transition to offerring face to face classes in basic education, Research O’clock 2022, with the theme, Finding the Right Blend: Interventions on the Blended Learning Modality, will be focusing its discussion on the evidence and lessons learned during the implementation of distance learning modalities, and will showcase current interventions in the blended learning modality.
DM No. 51, s. 2022Official Launch of the Basic Education Development Plan 20302022The Basic Education Development Plan 2030 is the Department’s first long-term plan for basic education covering all formal education from Kindergarten (K), Elementary, Junior High Schoo (JHS), to Senior High School (SHS), as well as nonformal education through the Alternative Learning System (ALS). It shall provide a strategic roadmap geared towards improving the delivery and quality of basic education by addessing the immediate impacts of the pandemic on learning and participation, close the remaining access gaps, confront the issues on education quality, and anticipate the future of education and introduce innovations in fostering resiliency and embedding the rights of children and the youth in education.
DM No. 44, s. 2022Philippine Youth Convergence 20222022The Philippine Youth Convergence 2022 was developed in response to DepEd thrust to reassess, realign, and refocus its youth-related initiatives to be more responsive to the needs pof the youth.
DM No. 34, s. 2022Dissemination of Executive Order No. 167

(Strengthening the Philippine Commission on Women, Further Amending Executive Order No. 208 [s. 1994] as Amended, for the Purpose)
2022For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of Executive Order No. 167 dated April 6, 2022, titled Strengthenning the Philippine Commission on Women, Further Amending Executive Order No. 208 (s. 1994) as Amended, for the Purpose.
DM No. 26, s. 2022Disability-Inclusive Teaching in Emergencies Online Course2022The online course, dubbed as Disability-Inclusive Teaching in Emergencies or DTeEm, offers teachers in regular and special education schools, teachers-to-be in universities/colleges of education, and other stakeholders the following modules with 26 supplemental animated videos:
a. Module 1: Stress Management and Psychosocial Support,
b. Module 2: Utilisation of Different Assistive Technologies,
c. Module 3: Developing Emergency Responsive Plan, and
d. Module 4: Continuity of Learning.
DM No. 25, s. 2022Dissemination of Executive Order No. 166, s. 2022

(Adopting the Ten-Point Agenda Policy to Accelerate and Sustain Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Directing a Whole-of-Government Approach to Align All Economic Recovery Programs and Measures of the National Government)
2022For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of Executive Order No. 166 dated March 21, 2022, titled Adopting the Ten-Point Policy Agenda to Accelerateand Sustain Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Directing a Whole-of-Government Approach to Align All Economic Recovery Programs and Measures of the National Government.
DM No. 20, s. 2022Dissemination of Republic Act No. 11650

(An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education, Establishing Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in All Schools Districts, Municipalities and Cities, Providing for Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes)
2022For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of Republic Act No. 11650 dated March 11 2022, titled An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education, Establishing Inclusive Learning Resource Centers of Learners with Disabilities in All Schools Districts, Municipalities and Cities, Providing for Standards, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes.
DM No. 18, s. 202218th Women with Disabilities Day Celebration2022The Department of Education supports the National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) on its annual celebration of Women with Disabilities Day (WWD), pursuant to Presidential Proclamation (PP) No. 744, s. 2005 titled, Declaring the Last Monday of March of Every Year as Women with Disabilities Day, and PP 759, s. 1996, titled Declaring Every Fourth Week of March as Protection and Gender-Fair Treatment of the Girl Child Week.
DM No. 16, s. 2022Balangkas ng Nagkakaisang Sambayanan (BANSA) Department of Education Peace Framework2022This peace framework articulates the initiatives and contributions of the Department to peace education and peacebuilding in accordance with its mandate to deliver quality, accessible, relevant and liberating K-12 Programs by a modern, professional, proactive, nimble, trusted and nurturing DepEd.
DM No. 11, s. 2022Official Launch of the Department of Education Research Portal, E-Saliksik2022E-Saliksik shall serve as the official repository of education research in the Department and mae education research more accessible to aid evidence-based actions. The research portal also seeks to encourage the conduct and use of research from school to the national level through the sharing of knowledge.
DM No. 4, s. 2022Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers for School Year 2021-20222022For School Year 2021-2022, the Department aims to complete the full cycle of embedding the 37 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) indicators into teachers’ performance. This DepEd Memorandum titled Implementation of the Results-Based Performance Management System-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (RPMS-PPST) for School Year 2021-2022 provides for the guidelines on the performance management and appraise of teachers using the remaining 18 indicators in their RPMS. With the implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), the suddem shift from face to face to remote learning, and now the gradual implementation of the limited face to face classes, the tools, forms, and protocols stipulated herein are developed and modified to ensure that the measures of performance this school year are appropriate, adaptive, and relevant to capture teachers’ actul performance in the context of the pandemic.
DM No. 3, s. 20222022 International Day of Education2022To showcase the most important transformations that have to be nurtured to realize everyone’s fundametal right to education and build more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful futures, the Department of Education announces the observance of the 2022 International Day of Education with the theme, Changing Courses, Transforming Education.
DM No. 54, s. 20212021 National Literacy Conference2021In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week and DepEd Memo No. 72, s. 2019 entitled Annual Celebration of the Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), announces the conduct of the 2021 National Literacy Conference (NLC) with the theme “Literacy Learning Innovations in the New Normal Towards Sustainable Development” which will be held on September 6-7, 2021 via Microsoft Teams and will be broadcasted simultaneously on DepEd and LCC’s Facebook page.
DM No. 47, s. 2021Research O’clock: Evidence in Learning Continuity2021Consistent with the Department of Education’s (DepEd) thrust to strengthen the culture of evidence-based desicion-making and policy development, Research 0’Clock is being conducted through the Planning Service-Policy Research Development Division (PS-PRDD) to promote the use of research results and evidence in decision-making, program designing and implementation, and to plan formulation and adjustment in the basic education sector.
DM No. 34, s. 2021Creation of the DepEd Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Commitee2021In recognition fo the important role of education and training in national development, Republic Act 10968, entited “An Act Institutionalizing the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF), Establishing the PQF-National Coordinating Council (NCC) and appropriating funds therefore”, or the “Philippine Qualifications Framework Act”1 was approved on January 16, 2018.
DM No. 22, s. 2021Observance of National Celebration on Advocacy Programs in Support to Inclusive Education2021The Department of Education (DepEd) announces the Observance of National Celebrations of Advocacy Programs in Support to Inclusive Education. This is pursuant to Republic Act No. 9155 otherwise known as governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 and in consonance with governing laws and issuances relative to year-round commemoration of events relativce to advocacy programs in support to the implementation of Inclusive Education.
DM No. 001, s. 20212021 International Day of Education2021Recognizing that education plays a key role in building sustainable and resilient societies and contributes to the achievement of all other Sustainable Development Goals, the Department of Education (DepEd) announces the observance of the 2021 Internation Day of Education (IDE) with the theme, Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation.
DM No. 41, s. 20202020 National Literacy Awards2020The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), will hold the 2020 National Literacy Awards (NLA) in September in Pasay City
DM No. 72, s. 2019Annual Celebration of the National Literacy Week2019The Department of Education (DepEd), in coordination with the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), announces the Annual Celebration of the National Literacy Week from September 2 to 8 of every year. This is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled, “Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week”, and the UNESCO Proclamation in 1966 that September 8 be celebrated as International Literacy Day from 1966 onwards.
DM No. 68, s. 2019Designation of Dr. Diosdado M. San Antonio as Permanent Representative of the Secretary to the Literacy Coordinating Council2019
DM No. 64, s. 20192019 National Literacy Conference2019In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), announces the conduct of the 2019 National Literacy Conference with the theme Aligning 21st Centure Literacies to Industry 4.0 Through Research. The Conference was held in Iloilo City from September 3 to 6, 2019.
DM No. 113 s. 20182018 National Literacy Conference and Awards2018In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), announces the conduct of the 2019 National Literacy Conference with the theme, Inclusive Literacy Through Integrative and Innovative Partnerships, which will be held at the Supreme Hotel, Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City from September 4 to 6, 2018.
DM No. 79, s. 20182018 Literacy Week Celebration2018The Department of Education (DepEd), in coordination with the Literacy Coordinating Council, announces the celebration of the 2018 Literacy Week from September 2 to 8, 2018. The celebration is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, and the UNESCO Proclamation in 1966 that September 8 be celebrated as International Literacy Day from 1966 onwards.
DM No. 1, s. 2018Designation of Undersecretary Lorna D. Dino as Chairperson of the Literacy Coordinating Council2018The Department of Education designates Undersecretary Lorna D. Dino as Chairperson of the Literacy Coordinating Council vice Undersecretary Dina S. Ocampo. This is pursuant to Section 3 of Republic Act No. 10122 entitled An Act Strengthening the Literacy Coordinating Council, by Amending Republic Act No. 7165, otherwise known as An Act Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council Defining its Powers, and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes.
DM No. 135, s. 20172017 National Literacy Conference2017In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2017 National Literacy Conference with the theme Lifelong Learning in a Digital World from September 27 to 29, 2017 in Cagayan de Oro City.
DM No. 98, s. 2016Changes in DepEd Memorandum No. 81, s. 20162016The 2016 National Literacy Awards (NLA) was announced through DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 81, s. 2016. However, the following changes have been made: a. The National Literacy Conference has been rescheduled from September 28-30, 2016 to October 18-21, 2016; b. The Deadline for submission of regional entry/folio for the NLA has been extended from June 30 to July 6, 2016; and c. All regional entries must be received by the Literacy Coordinating Council Secretariat on or before the closing of office hours on July 6, 2016.
DM No. 98, s. 20152015 National Literacy Conference2015In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2015 National Literacy Conference with the theme Educational Justice and New literacies at the ECOTECH Center, Lahug Cebu City from September 30 to October 2, 2015.
DM No. 94, s. 20142014 National Literacy Conference2014In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2014 National Literacy Conference with the theme Literacy for Resilient Communities from September 17 to 20, 2014 at the Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
DM No. 52, s. 2014Designation Of Undersecretary Dina S. Ocampo As Chairperson Of The Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC)2014Pursuant to Section 3 of Republic Act No. 10122 entitled An Act Strengthening the Literacy Coordinating Council by Amending Republic Act No. 7165, Otherwise Known as An Act Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining Its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes, Undersecretary Dina S. Ocampo is designated as Chairperson of the Literacy Coordinating Council vice Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera.

DM No. 151, s. 20132013 National Literacy Conference2013In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2013 National Literacy Conference with the theme Literacy for Inclusive Growth on September 2-6, 2013 at the Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
DM No. 150, s. 2012 2012 National Literacy Conference and Awards2012In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2012 National Literacy Conference and Awards on September 17-21, 2012 at the Benitez Hall, Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
DM No. 182, s. 20112011 National Literacy Conference2011In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2011 National Literacy Conference with the theme “Pursuing Community Development through Peace Literacy” at the Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon city on September 27-29, 2011. This is in Line with Priority agenda of the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD) for Calendar Year (CY) 2011-2012, which is Literacy and Peace.
DM No. 362, s. 20102010 National Literacy Conference and Awards2010In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2010 National Literacy Conference on September 8-11, 2010 at the Teachers Camp, Baguio City.
DM No. 78, s. 2009Adoption of the New Operational Definition of Functional Literacy2009The Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) on its 94th Council Meeting on April 23, 2008, held at the SEAMEO-INNOTECH, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, approved LCC Resolution No. 01 s. 2008 re: Adoption of the New Operational Definition of Functional Literacy (FL), copy enclosed. The resolution is based on the recommendation of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) Technical Working Group (TWG) and agreed upon by the members of the Council during the LCC Strategies Planning Workshop led at the Develeopment Academy of the Philippines (DAP) on February 26-28, 2007
DM No. 391, s. 20082008 National Literacy Conference2008In celebration of the annual Literacy Week as stipulated in Presidential Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993 entitled Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy Week, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), in cooperation and coordination with other government organizations (GOs), local government units (LGUs), private organizations (POs) and non-government organizations (NGOs), will hold the 2008 National Literacy Conference on September 17-19, 2008 at the Teachers Camp, Baguio City. The theme of the conference is “Functional Literacy Towards a Sustainable Future”.
DM No. 59, s. 20082008 National Literacy Awards2008The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), will resume the conduct of the National Literacy Awards (NLA) this year, 2008, based on the recommendations of the study on the process and impact evaluation of the NLA.

Office Memoranda

Office Memorandum NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
OM-CT-2023-139Creation and Strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Councils of LGUsMarch 20, 2023In support of the DILG Memorandum Circular no. 2007-155

This page contains related policy issuances of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).


CHED Memorandum Circular NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
CMO. No. 7, s. 2022THE 2022 REVISED IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS (IRR) OF REPUBLIC ACT (RA) NO. 8292, AMENDING CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) NO. 03, SERIES OF 2001: THE 2001 REVISED IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF RA O. 8292, THE “HIGHER EDUCATION MODERNIZATION ACT OF 1997”2022Pursuant to Section 15 of Republic Act No. 8292, the “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997,” the following Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA No. 8292 are hereby promulgated, to amend CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 03, Series of 2001
CMO. No. 6, s. 2022SUSTAINING FLEXIBLE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION: AN ADDENDUM TO CMO NO. 4, SERIES OF 20222022Pursuant to the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, also known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994,” to provide guidance to higher education institutions to implement flexible leanring per CMO No. 4, series of 202 “Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Learning,” and by virtue of Commission en banc Resolution NO. 192-2022 dated April 12, 2022, the following addendum is hereby adopted and promulgated.
CMO. No. 5, s. 2022AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE IV. H. OF CHED-DOH JMC NO. 2021-004 OR THE GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES FOR ALL PROGRAMS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIS) IN AREAS UNDER ALERT LEVELS SYSTEM FOR COVID-19 RESPONSE AND AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE III.B., ITEM 12 OF CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) NO. 01, SERIES OF 20222022Pursuant to Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) Resolution NO. 168-B, series of 2022, in which approved the recommendations of the Commission to repeal the provision to ensure medical insurance for students participating in face-to-face classes, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) hereby issues the following amendments to CHED – Department of Health (DOH) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) NO. 2021-004 or the Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-face Classes for All Programs of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Areas Under Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response and CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 01, series of 2022, otherwise known as the Supplemental Guidelines to CHED-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-004, on the Additional Guidelines for the Operations of Limited Face-to-Face Classes of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Areas under Alert Level 1.

CHED-DOH JMC No. 2021-004 is hereby amended to repeal the following provisiong of Article IV.H.
CMO. No. 4, s. 2022GUIDELINES ON THE SAFETY SEAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs)2022The Safety Seal is a physical manifestation of the compliance of private and public entities with the minimum public health standards set by the government and the use of or integration of digital contact tracing applications with In the higher education sector, this also proves the compliancce of HEIs with CHED-DOH JMC No. 2021-004 or the Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-face Classes for All Programs of HEIs in Areas Under Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response.
CMO. No. 1, s. 2022SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDELINES TO CHED-DOH JOINT MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR (JMC) NO. 2021-004, ON THE ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES FOR THE OPERATION OF LIMITED FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIOS (HEIs) IN AREAS UNDER ALERT LEVEL 12022Pursuant to Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) Resolution No. 163-A, series of 2022, wherein provinces, highly urbanized cities (HUCs), and independent component cities (ICCs) are placed under Level 1, and IATF Resolution No. 164, series of 2022, in which the recommendations of the Commission on the conduct of limited face-to-face classes for higher educational institutions operating in areas under Alert Level 1 are approved, the following supplementary guidelines to Commission on Higher Education (CHED) – Department of Health (DOH) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2021-004, or the Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-face Classes for All Programs of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Areas Under Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response are as follows.
CMO. No. 1, s. 2021AMENDMENT TO SECTION V D-1 (f) OF CMO 10 SERIES OF 2020 ENTITLED “IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR BAYANIHAN 2 FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TULONG PROGRAM (B2HELP) AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 4(n) OF RA 11494 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “ BAYANIHAN TO RECOVER AS ONE ACT”2021In accordance with the pertinent provisions of RA 7722, RA11494, and by the virtue of Commission en banc (CEB) Resolution no, 095-2021 dated 9 March 2021, the hereunder amendment to CMO 10 s. 2020 is hereby adopted and promulgated for the guidance of all concerned stakeholders and to ensure that the appropriations are properly administered and implemented according to its purpose.
CMO. No. 13, s. 2020INTERIM POLICY ON DOCUMENTARY SUBMISSIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP FOR GRADUATE STUDIES- LOCAL DURING THE CORONVIRUS DISEASE 2019v2020Presidential proclamation No. 922 s.2020 was issued declaring a State of Public Health Emergency throughout the Philippines due to Covid-19 and enjoined all the government agencies and local government units to adopt appropriate responses and measures to eliminate the threat of Covid-19 (Legal basis)
CMO. No. 12, s. 2020SHORT-TERM SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS DURING THE K TO 12 TRANSITION PERIOD2020Pursuant to R.A 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994, R.A 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,and as approved by the Commission En Banc (CEB) Resolution No. 354-2020, the “ Shirt Term Scholarship (STS) Grants during the K to 12 Transition Peiod) is hereby issued.
CMO. No. 11, s. 2020IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF RA 11396, “ AN ACT REQUIRING STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (SUCs) TO PREPARE AND IMPLEMENT A LAND USE DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN SHALL INCLUDE THE CONSTRUCTION OF DORMITORIES FOR STUDENTS AND HOUSING SITES FOR EMPLOYEES”2020Pursuant to Section 7 of RA 11396, otherwise known as the “(SUCs) LAND USE DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN ACT, and as approved during the virtual commission en Banc meeting on October 13, 2020 through Resolution no. 731-2020, the Commission on Higher Education, hereby formulates and adopts the rules stated.
CMO. No. 10, s. 2020IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES FOR BAYANIHAN 2 FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TULONG PROGRAM (B2HELP) AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 4(n) OF RA 11494 OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE “ BAYANIHAN TO RECOVER AS ONE ACT”2020The intervention of providing subsidy and allowance to qualified students as described in Section 4(n) of RA 11494 shall be referred to as the Bayanihan 2 for Higher Education Tulong Program of B2HELP.
CMO. No. 9, s. 2020GUIDELINES ON THE ALLOCATION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMART CAMPUSES PROVIDE IN SECTION 10 (i) OF RA 114942020In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Ra 7722, mandates the Commission to “ develop criteria for allocating additional resources such as research and program development grants, scholarships, and other similar programs”
CMO. No. 8, s. 2020GUIDELINES FOR THE SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OF DISCIPLINE-BASED HIGHER EDUCATION ROADMAPS BY TECHNICAL PANELS2020This project entails the undertaking of discipline-based higher education roadmaps which shall articulate CHED’s vision, mission, including the strategic plans/directions for the next 5 years.
CMO. No. 6, s. 2020GUIDELINES FOR THE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INSTRUCTORS KNOWLEDGE ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM2020Pursuant to RA 7722, the Commission is mandated to “formulate and recommend development plans, policies and programs on higher education and research. The Commission fulfills this function by acknowledging the critical role of the university, not only as a “generator of knowledge, an educator of young minds, and a transmitter of culture, but also as a “major agent of economic growth”
CMO. No. 5, s. 2020GUIDELINES ON THE SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS OF DEGREE PROGRAAM OF PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS2020This shall govern the voluntary suspension of operation of degree programs od private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), including their branches and/or extension classes, by reason of actual financial loss or projected financial loss as a result of declared national emergency or public health crisis.
CMO. No. 4, s. 2020GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FLEXIBLE2020The implementation of flexible learning as a delivery mode shall be adopted beginning AY 2020-2021 and may be extended upon consultation with the stakeholders concerned and upon review of the Commission.
CMO. No. 3, s. 2020AMENDMENTS TO THE REVISED AND EXPANDED GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION GRANTS DURING THE K TO 12 TRANSITION PERIOD2020In line with the Commission’s effort to refine, nuance, and increase the responsiveness of the policies.
CMO. No. 2, s. 2020AMENDMENT TO CMO NO.30.S,2016 “IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINE FOR THE SCHOLARSHIP GRANT PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND DEPENDENTS OF SUGARCANE INDUSTRY WORKERS AND SMALL SUGARCANE FARMERS (SIDA-SGP)2020The scholarship grant program is open to qualified and deserving children and dependents of sugarcane industry workers and small sugarcane farmers. This program shall cover both undergraduate and graduate students who will enroll or are currently enrolled in agriculture, agricultural engineering and mechanics, and chemical engineering/ sugar technology as identified in Sec.6 b of R.A 10659 in any identified State Universities and Colleges
CMO. No. 1, s. 2020GUIDELINES FOR THE GRANT OF ASSISTANCE TO STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES TO COMBAT COVID-192020State Universities and Colleges are authorized by law/charter to conduct research and extension services, including projects that will improve and intensify the government’s existing COVID-19 responses.

This page contains related policy issuances of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).


TESDA Circular NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
TESDA Circular No. 41, s. 2022Guidlines on Cascading of TESDA Policies, and Information and Learning Dissemination2022With the situation globally, wherein the threat of COVID-19 Pandemic remains and abrupt innovations, and modernization has taken place, the Agency ensures esilience and is continuously applying much needed adjustments towards its plans, policies, operational processes, along with the effort in capacitating its workforce who implements them.

Therefore, the regular conduct of the Cascasind of TESDA Policies and Information Dissemination shall be undertaken and be led by the respective Head of Offices.
TESDA Circular No. 40-A, s. 2022Amendment to TESDA Circular No. 040, s. 2022 – Amended Omnibus Guidelines for TESDA Scholarship Programs under the New Normal2022In the interest of the service, the following amendments to Sections VI.4, VIII., and IX.2.5 of TESDA Circular No. 040, s. 2022 on the Amended Ombus Guidelies for TESDA Scholarship Programs under the New Normal are hereby issued.
TESDA Circular No. 36, s. 2022Clarifactory Guidelines on the Utilizaion of High-End or Up-To-Date Tools, Equipment and Materials (TEM) for Competency Assessment2022In TESDA Circular No. 029 s. 2022 with subject “Clarifactory Guidelines on the Updated List of Tools, Equipment and Materials (TEM), Training Facilities (TF) and Trainers Qualifications (TQ) for 75 Qualifications” under Section IV.2 it states that the TEM indicated in the TRs are of minimum, and equipment of equivalent functions are capable and be considered as alternative to the list of TEM for the 75 TRs.
TESDA Circular No. 27, s. 2022Amendment Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) Guidelines under the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA) for FY 20222022In the interst of the service and in order to maximize the limited budget of UAQTEA for FY 2022, the following guidelines are hereby issued.
TESDA Circular No. 21, s. 2022Policy Guidelines on the Utilization of the Multi-Regional TESDA Online Program in the Flexible Learning Delivery in TVET2022In line with the mandate of providing accessible quality technical education and skills development of the agency and the strategies identified int he TVETPH 4.0 Framework, this policy and guidelines are hereby established for the utilization of the TESDA Online Program (TOP) in support of flexible learning delivery (FLD) in technical vocational education and training (TVET).
TESDA Circular No. 18, s. 2022Omnibus Guidelines for TESDA Scholarship Programs under the New Normal2022In the interest of the service and in line with the National Technical Education and Skills Development Plan (NTESDP) Vision on Vibrant Quality TVET for Decent Work and Sustainable Inclusive Growth, and with the Strategic Thrusts on TVET for Global Competitiveness & Workforce Readiness and TVET for Social Equity & Poverty Reduction, the following implementing guidelines are hereby adopted and shall be observed in the implementation of the TESDA Scholarship Programs under the New Normal.
TESDA Circular No. 24, s. 2021Tulong Trabaho Scholarship Program under the New Normal Arrangements: Amendments to TESDA Circular No. 131, s. 20192021In order to integrate the “New Normal” arrangements in the implementation of Republic Act No. 11230 or the “Tulong Trabaho Act” and in order to provide additional assistance to affected industries and displaced workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these implementing guidelines are hereby adopted.
TESDA Circular No. 18, s. 2021Implementing Guidelines for Agile, Flexible and Quality Assured Community-Based Training Program2021Section 28 of Republic Act No. 7796, otherwise known as the TESDA Act of 1994, mandates that the Authority shall design and implement an effective and efficient delivery system for quality technical education and skills development opportunities, particularly in disadvantaged sectors, with new tools of wealth creation and with the capability to take on higher value-added gainful activities and to share equitably in productivity gains
TESDA Circular No. 6-A, s. 2021Amendment to TESDA Circular No. 006, S. of 2021 on the Schedule of Cost for the Implementation of Coffee Production Level II under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) and Program on Accelerating Farm School Establishment (PAFSE)2021In the interest of the service and to further boost the agribusiness sector while providing inclusive growth for farmers in the coffee industry
TESDA Circular No. 3, s. 2021Implementing Guidelines on the Partnership of TESDA with the Bangsamoro Government2021In the interest of the service and to define the responsibilities and obligations of TESDA in the implementation of its programs and services within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in partnership with the Bangsamoro Government through the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education (MBHTE)
TESDA Circular No. 143, s. 2020Amended Guidelines on the Implementation of the National Technical Education and Skills Development Research Agenda (NTRA) 2017-20222020Section 2 of the Republic Act 7796 (TESDA Act of 194), declared the policy of the State “to provide relevant, accessible, high quality and efficient skills education and skills development in support of the development of high quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with Philippine goals and priorities.
TESDA Circular No. 125, s. 2020Implementation of the “Bayanihan 2” through the TESDA Scholarship Programs towards the “New Normal”2020Bayanihan 2 was enacted into law on 11 September 2020 to urgently respond to the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to our economy. Under Section 10(1) of R.A. 11494, Php1,000,000,000.00 was appropriated to TESDA which shall be utilized for the retooling, retraining and upskilling of the target beneficiaries under this program. Through its scholarship programs, TESDA shall be able to provide recovery interventions and economic assistance to all displaced workers in support of the government’s efforts to bolster the resilience of the Philippine economy amid the continuing national emergency.
TESDA Circular No. 78-A, s. 2020Addendum to Section V of the Amended/Supplemental Guidelines on TESDA Scholarship Programs under the “New Normal”2020Individuals who have already availed of the TESDA Scholarship Programs may need to acquire new skills which are not related to the competencies that they have previously acquired but are relevant under the New Normal. Thus, the Multiple Availment of Scholarship shall be allowed regardless if the qualifications that a scholar would avail of are related to each other or not. The succeeding qualifications that the scholar would avail of may be in any of the listed qualifications
TESDA Circular No. 77, s. 2020Special Payment Arrangements for TVIs Implementing TESDA Scholarship Programs Affected by the Community Quarantine2020In line with the objectives of OPLAN TESDA Abot Lahat: TVET Towards the New Normal to develop flexible programs that are adapted to the changing needs of the TVET Sector, the following guidelines are hereby issued to provide a special program for recovery and rehabilitation of affected TVIs during the COVID-19 crisis. The special provisions of this Circular shall only be adopted for the duration of the State of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-19 and shall only be applicable to affected TVIs covered under this Circular.
TESDA Circular No. 62, s. 2020Guidelines in implementing Flexible Learning in TVET2020In line with the policy direction provided in the Operational Plan (OPLan) TESDA Abot Lahat: WET Towards the New Normal, this Circular is hereby issued to provide guidelines in the management and implementation of flexible learning in the delivery of technical vocational education and training (WET) in the country.
TESDA Circular No. 23, s. 20202020 Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP), Special Training for Employment Program (STEP), Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA), Special Skills Training Program (SSTP) and Single/Bundled Programs under the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA) Schedule of Cost2020To meet the objectives of the TWSP, STEP, PESFA, and Single/Bundled Programs under the UAQTEA, the following schedule of costs per qualification are hereby adopted. The following training costs relative to the implementation of TESDA services are based on the following cost factors: Variable Costs (consumables; utilities, facilties, equipment and tools maintenance; honoraria of trainers; and living allowance); and Fixed Costs (miscellaneous fees, national assessment fees, instructional materials, starter toolkits).

This page contains copies of the Resolutions issued by the LCC.

LCC Resolution NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
LCC Resolution No. 01, s. 2023Resolution Confirming the Election of Dr. Milwida M. Guevarra, President and Chief Executive Officer of Synergeia Foundation, as a Member of the Literacy Coordinating Council Representing the Network of Non-Government OrganizationsNovember 17, 2023
LCC Resolution No. 02, s. 2022Adopting the National Literacy Framework Designed to Define Literacy in the Context of the Filipinos, and to be Used as Basis for Policies and Reforms in the Country’s Education System and Literacy GovernanceJune 27, 2022
LCC Resolution No. 01, s. 2022Adopting the Manual on the Creation of Local Literacy Councils for Dissemination, Promotion, and UtilizationMarch 29, 2022
LCC Resolution No. 03, s. 2021Adopting the LCC Communication Plan for Implementation of the Council Member Agencies and for Reference of Local Literacy CouncilsDecember 13, 2021
LCC Resolution No. 02, s. 2021Resolution Adopting the National Literacy Information System Database, Including its Utilization, Publication, and Maintenance in the Official Literacy Coordinating Council WebsiteSeptember 20, 2021
LCC Resolution No. 01, s. 2021Resolution Adopting the Guidelines on the Foundational Framework and Analytic Scoring Rubric for Exemplary Community-Based Literacy Programs and Engagement Developed by the Literacy Coordinating Council for Application, Dissemination, and Implementation at the Local LevelSeptember 3, 2021
LCC Resolution No. 01, s. 2020Resolution Confirming the Election of Prof. Flora C. Arellano, National President of the Civil Society Networks for Education Reforms (E-Net Philippines), As Member of the Literacy Coordinating Council Representing the Non-Government OrganizationsApril 20, 2020
LCC Resolution No. 01, s. 2019Resolution Establishing the Guidelines for the Selection and Confirmation of Membership of the Non-Government Organization Representative in the Literacy Coordinating CouncilMarch 29, 2019
LCC Resolution No. 02, s. 2017Appeal to Increase LCC Budget Pursuant to R.A. 7165 and R.A. 10122May 30, 2017

This page contains related policies issued by LCC member agencies and local government units.

Issuance NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, s. 2024Creation, Reconstitution, and Strengthening of Local Literacy Councils at the City and Municipality LevelsDecember 16, 2024To Joint Memorandum Circular between Department of Education and Department of the Interior and Local Government is declared to be the policy of the State to give the highest priority to the adoption of measures for the universalization of literacy.
ULAP RESOLUTION No. 007. s.2024A Resolution Supporting the MATATAG Agenda and National Learning Recovery Program of the Department of EducationApril 5, 2024To enjoin local government units to actively participate in the implementation of the National Learning Recovery Program and realization of the MATATAG Agenda
DILG MC No. 2023-067Reiteration of DILG MC NO. 2007-155 “Creation/Strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Council/Literacy Implementing Units”April 26, 2023To be able to localize the national Literacy Coordinating Council’s goal and objectives as well as its programs and projects. Joint Circular No. 01, series 2003 dated March 25, 2003 entitled “Supplemental provisions/guidelines on the strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Councils and Literacy Implementing Units”
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2007-155Creation/Strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Council/Literacy Implementing UnitsNovember 26, 2007To be able to localize the national Literacy Coordinating Council’s goal and objectives as well as its programs and projects. Joint Circular No. 01, series 2003 dated March 25, 2003 entitled “Supplemental provisions/guidelines on the strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Councils and Literacy Implementing Units”
DepEd, DILG, NEDA Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2003Supplemental Provisions/Guidelines on the Strengthening of Local Literacy Coordinating Councils/Literacy Implementing UnitsMarch 25, 2003To further enhance the mandate of the Literacy Coordinating Council, regional literacy coordinating councils or committees shall be established to provide additional assistance to the national program of LCC.
Administrative Order No. 324, s. 1997Mandating All Concerned Government Agencies and LGUs to Adopt the Literacy Council (LCC) Blueprint for Action as Framework or Guideline in Developing Policies and Implementing Programs or Projects Related to LiteracyApril 15, 1997The Literacy Coordinating Council in the pursuit of its mandate has formulated the National Blueprint for action in the eradication of illiteracy. This document defines a common philosophy for all literacy programs, presents overall policies and strategies and suggest appropriate structures and mechanisms.
Proclamation No. 239, s. 1993Declaring the Period from September 2 to 8 of Every Year as Literacy WeekAugust 25, 1993The goverment, through the medium term Philippine Development Plan (MTDP), aims to raise the quality of life and achieve a vision of vision of development through people empowerment.
Executive Order No. 53, s. 2019Reorganization of the Municipal Literacy Coordinating Council of Baliwag, BulacanDecember 9, 2019There shall be in the Municipality of Baliwag, Bulacan, an established Municipal Literacy Coordinating Council which shall be tasked to design activities to promote literacy in the Municipality and thereby promote quality of life of the citizens.
Executive Order No. 19, s. 2018An Order Reconstituting the Davao City Literacy Coordinating Council, Defining its Powers and Functions, Appropriating Funds Therefore, and for Other PurposesJuly 19, 2018The Davao City Literacy Coordinating Council is meant to be created to ensure access to basic education by every citizen of the city of Davao, thus eradicating Illiteracy at the local level.
Executive Order No. 23, s. 2016Creation of the Municipal Literacy Coordinating Council (MLCC) in the Municipality of Bayambang, PangasinanSeptember 1, 2016The Municipality of Bayambang deems it is imperative to the establishment of literacy implementing units to be able to localize the national LCC’s goals and objectives.
Executive Order No. 110, s. 2016Creating the Municipal Literacy Coordinating Council (MLCC) of Bayug, Zamboanga del Sur to Perform Prescribed Functions and ResponsibilitiesSeptember 26, 2016The MLCC is hereby created to perform the functions and responsibilities prescribed under the governing law, rules and regulations and as may by law and/or other ordinance provides.
Executive Order No. 12, s. 2014Creating the Secretariat of City Literacy Coordinating Council in the City of Alaminos, PangasinanMarch 12, 2014To further strengthen the delivery of services in the city of Alaminos, Pangasinan, A local literacy coordinating council shall be created.
Ordinance No. 520, s. 2013An Ordinance Creating the Literacy Coordinating Council of the City of Mandaluyong, Defining its Duties and Responsibilities and for Other PurposesOctober 14, 2013There is a need to highlight the importance of literacy and education, given the government’s vision of a globally competitive and newly industrializing country that would better be achieved with the improvement of the quality of human resources through literacy and education.