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LCC Partners

The LCC Partners page contains the list of partners from different sectors such as the public, private, CSOs, and other concerned international organizations. It also includes the type of support that they provide to the Council relative to literacy propagation.

Name of LCC PartnerType of OrganizationDescription of Support
Strategist.phPrivateHosting of the LCC website from 2017 to 2019
Cebuana Lhuillier Foundation, Inc.Non-government OrganizationPrize of NLA Hall of Fame Awards
Learning Resources for Financial Wellness
BDO Foundation, Inc. Non-government OrganizationLearning Resources for Financial Literacy
Tokens during the National Literacy Conference
Metrobank Foundation, Inc. Non-government OrganizationTokens during the National Literacy Conference
Smart Communications, Inc.Non-government OrganizationTokens during the National Literacy Conference
Smartload for participants
STI Education Services Group, Inc.Private