The Department of Education through the Literacy Coordinating Council launched the search for the 2012 National Literacy Award (NLA) by way of issuing DepEd Memorandum No. 24, s. 2012. The NLA has two categories as follows:
- Outstanding Literacy Program Award given to a civil society organization, nongovernment organization, private organization or educational/academic institution which has implemented a literacy program that made a positive impact on learners and the community; and
- Outstanding Local Government Unit (LGU) Award given to local government units (highly urbanized city, component/component independent city, class A municipality and class B municipality) which have developed policies, programs and projects conducive to literacy development and which have efficaciously made a positive impact on their barangays and the quality of life of their people.
The Award aims to recognize best practices for implementing literacy programs or projects that help alleviate poverty, provide livelihood, address welfare needs, promote freedom and make education facilities accessible.
Held every two years, the NLA gives special recognition to outstanding literacy programs and outstanding local government units (component and highly urbanized cities and class A and B municipalities) initiating and implementing literacy programs and projects responsive to their community’s needs.
Nomination/s and selection of regional winners shall be conducted not later than April 10-30, 2012. Announcement of regional winners will be on May 2, 2012. Regional entries must be submitted to the LCC Secretariat on or before May 15, 2012. Any entry not received by said date will be disqualified from the short listing process.
Nominees must submit documents strictly in accordance with the following specifications:
- a clear, simple, straightforward and understandable Executive Summary of not more than five (5) pages in A-4 bond size, double-spaced, describing the nominated program/s or local government unit based on the set criteria.
- three (3) copies of the nominee’s folio/entry of not more than fifty (50) pages in A-4 bond size, double-spaced containing only related documents and data including photographs (size: 3”x5”, not to exceed 20 pieces; video documentation is not encouraged); in accordance with the category and criteria but limited to those in effect within three (3) years prior to the date of entry.
- electronic copy of nominee’s folio/entry including photographs for uploading in the LCC website (
- individual score sheets of the Regional Screening Committee (RSC) members duly signed by the rater and countersigned by the RSC Chairperson.
- brief but complete documentation of all stages of the selection process signed by the Coordinator and countersigned by the Chairperson.
The DepEd regional directors and chiefs of Alternative Learning System (ALS) who are designated members of the Regional Steering Committee are enjoined to spearhead the nomination/selection process at the regional level. They are advised to apply the revised set of criteria and guidelines for selection and follow the new schedule provided. They are expected to submit to the LCC Secretariat a brief report on how the regional nominees were selected together with the list of nominees.
Parties who are interested to join the 2012 National Literacy Award, may contact the LCC Secretariat for more information.