In celebration of the 25th National Autism Consciousness Week, the NORFIL Foundation Philippines and Autism Society Philippines spearheaded the 2021 Conference on Autism with the theme “Pilipinong May Autismo: Kakaiba, Kasali, Konektado” dated January 22, 2021 via Zoom application and Facebook Live.
The whole discussion was divided into two (2) parts. The morning session included the opening program, plenaries on the situation of children with disabilities in the context of COVID-19, rights of persons with autism, and facts about autism. While the topics tackled during the afternoon session were autism awareness, early interventions, sensory issues and preparation for their employment, among others, through break-out sessions. Last topic facilitated was the rights and resources panel discussion.
During the open forum, it was reiterated that programs for individuals with autism are already in place and conversations were already made with USec. San Antonio and Asec. Torio. It was mentioned that DepEd modules should also be aligned to and brought to the farthest places to truly realize the department’s vision of “leaving no one behind.”
Participation of the LCC Secretariat to this forum allows the LCC to gain valuable insights from the field and different sectors, especially with those that have disabilities, which can be used in enhancing the Council’s programs and projects addressing literacy needs of all types of learners.