Targeting the fulfillment of LCC’s mandate of establishment and maintenance of a national databank on literacy, its Secretariat spearheaded a three-day consultative workshop on the Development of LCC Database Management System held at the Bohol Public Schools Teachers and Employees Association, Incorporated (BPSTEA), Tagbilaran City, Bohol on May 7-10, 2019. The said workshop was represented by different bureaus and offices from the Department of Education (BCD, BEA, ICTS, BLR, PS, EPS), representatives from Local Government Units, Civil Society Organizations, and Alternative Learning System (ALS) from the Schools Division of Tagbilaran City which resulted into a multi-faceted and rich discussion among its participants. The output of the said activity were the identification of data requirements, data gathering and processes, and system content and process flow obtained through a series of workshops.
The 3-day activity was wrapped up with an appreciation and reiteration of the LCCS Chief on the forged partnership and continuous unity among them until the development and implementation of the envisioned database management system.