E-Net Philippines, being the representative of Nongovernment Organization (NGO) on literacy in the Council, has always been an active member in various programs and projects of LCC since 2013. In fact, E-Net Philippines itself is a national coalition of 130 member-civil society organizations and partners engaged in policy advocacy and partnerships for education reforms. With the banner “Education for All,” the E-Net Philippines has been committed to expanding and strengthening civil society participation in reforming the Philippine education especially for the alternative learning system which zooms and caters to the literacy needs of the marginalized, excluded and vulnerable sectors (MEVS).
In connection with this, the LCC Secretariat would like to invite all literacy stakeholders, advocates, workers, partners and learners to express their unity and commitment to inclusive, equitable and liberating literacy for all by joining the E-Net Philippines’ webinar on “Discussion on Public Investment in Literacy in Building Back Better” to be held on September 29, 2020 at 1:30-4:00 P.M. Discussions will revolve on the initiatives of the government agencies in literacy programs to the most marginalized and disadvantaged sectors; policy engagement among government agencies and CSOs focused on financing literacy programs; and intensification of collaborative partnerships of different stakeholders in realizing a literacy world for all.
Grab this chance to learn more from the esteemed resource persons of the said event!
For latest updates, make sure to follow the Facebook Page of E-Net Philippines and LCC Secretariat. You may also visit lcc@deped.gov.ph.