The National Security Council along with the Philippine Army seeks collaboration with national agencies in education to promote peace and national security in learners. In order to achieve this goal, the NSC along with the film director seeks to campaign the film documentary “Memoirs of a Teenage Rebel” which would serve as an eye-opener for the learners.
The film documentary was presented on February 3, 2021 via Zoom teleconference at 10:30 am. It serves as a powerful campaign spearheaded by the National Security Council and the Philippine Army with the objective to address the alarming situation of the increasing number of members in terror organizations in society, specifically the youth as its primary target of recruitment. Various audiences from different offices and agencies were invited such as the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, the Philippine Army, and the National Security Council.
Memoirs of a Teenage Rebel followed the character of Ivy as she reveals her dark past as a former rebel in the New People’s Army (NPA). From being a full-time NPA to her rise as one of NPA’s top leaders. The film documentary focused on Ivy’s heightened exposure to atrocious practices within the organization.

The documentary had provided an encompassing perspective and insights with regards to the inner workings of NPA and how the organization affects people from different walks of life. As such, the documentary also manifested entry points, in example, let not Ivy’s message to the youth ever be forgotten that a person’s love for the country must always start from within.
Mr. Enzo Williams, the director of the film “Memoir of the Teenage Rebel” explained that the documentary is more of a drama, following a story of a rebel going back to reality, sharing their nightmares during their experience with the New People’s Army. Director Williams also recommended the film documentary to be shown to students for free and create a reflection paper on the said film. He mentioned that it could be an eye-opener which can really be helpful to a lot of youth. Mr. Williams also introduced his partner, the owner of Cignal TV to collaborate in presenting the film documentary to far-flung areas on barangays.
Prior to the start of the film documentary, an academic discussion was spearheaded by the National Security Council along with the Philippine Army to collaborate with national education agencies such as DepEd and CHED on ways they could intervene to amend the basic and higher education curriculum and integrate promoting peace and national security measures through a meeting with Dr. Lea-Grace Salcedo on the film “Memoir of the Teenage Rebel”.
One of the highlights of the meeting is on ways on how the NSC and Philippine Army could support and connect to schools to teach the youth on promoting peace and national security. One recommendation is through Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela as great opportunities for open forums or symposiums inviting the AFP and PNP to help schools by discussing peace, security and school-community dynamics. The discussion on the matter is still on-going and the NSC’s collaboration with DepEd will reconvene until further notice.

Scene from the documentary “Memoir of a Teenage Rebel”
The participation of the Literacy Coordinating Council Secretariat in this film viewing and meeting is very enlightening as it widens its horizon on youth education and enables the Council to innovate programs and projects which is not only literacy-focused, but at the same time promotes peace and solidarity among the youth and the society in general

Ending quotation from the documentary “Memoir of a Teenage Rebel”