The LCCS would like to invite all literacy stakeholders, partners and advocates to commemorate and be part of the celebration of the 2020 International Literacy Day on September 8, 2020 in pursuant to UNESCO’s proclamation in 1996.
With the theme “Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond,” the LCCS collaborates with DepEd’s International Cooperation Office for the said event. Along with USec. Diosdado San Antonio, LCC Chairperson, other key resource persons from the DepEd and the international community are anticipated to share their expertise, in-depth insights and best practices on literacy amidst times of crisis and beyond. Among the expected discussions are the literacy situation of the country, impact of COVID-19 on youth and adult literacy educators, and lessons learned and changes in pedagogies due to COVID-19.
Don’t miss out this remarkable webinar! Together, we shall keep on pressing literacy forward at all costs while ensuring no one is left behind.
For more details, visit the DepEd’s ICO event post at: https://web.facebook.com/depedico/photos/a.136973961367546/170185454713063/ .