The Department of Education (DepEd), in partnership with UNICEF conducted the Virtual Forum on International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA) on March 23, 2021 via Zoom.
The said forum, spearheaded by DepEd’s Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), aims to disseminate the findings/analysis of the Philippine test results for two ILSAs namely: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) 2019 and Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) 2019. The forum also acts as a potential avenue for DepEd and other government partners and stakeholders to identify areas of collaboration for further analysis, policy actions, appropriate program interventions, and implications to the Philippine basic education system.
The program was participated in by DepEd Central Office Curriculum and Instruction strand bureau directors and heads, DepEd regional directors and CLMD chiefs, as well as officials and representatives from the ECCDC Secretariat, NEDA-SDS, SEAMEO-Innotech, and UNICEF.

Some highlights of the TIMMS 2019 results, which were presented by Director Nelia V. Benito of BEA, showed that private schools outscore public schools in terms of Science and Math. In addition, students in schools with access to computers and Science laboratories have higher achievement rates than those without proper facilities; average Math and Science achievement were also highest among 44% in students who have no disciplinary problems; and schools perceived to be very safe and orderly have one of the highest achievements.
Dir. Benito also shared BEA’s policy recommendations which include K to 12 curriculum review and updating; improvement of the learning environment; upskilling of teachers and reskilling through a transformed professional development program; and engagement of stakeholders for support and collaboration.

As to the second ILSA presented by BEA, the SEA-PLM 2019, some of the findings show that schools play a vital role in a student’s achievement; schools with less available resources impacts a difference in a students’ literacy rate; students with textbooks score much higher than those without textbooks; grade 5 students with a more positive attitude towards school were more likely to obtain better academic performance; students whose parents were involved in schooling obtained higher scores than those whose parents less engaged in schools; and socio-economic factors are a vital role in a student’s academic performance.

Dir. Benito’s presentation ended with BEA’s policy recommendations on SEA-PLM 2019 findings, which gave emphasis on a strong interface of curriculum reforms, pedagogy, and assessment with a strong focus on classroom level assessment; greater emphasis on early learning, addressing the barriers to effective implementation of the use of mother tongue; systematic teacher professional development program and school leadership support; and improving the learning environment.

The LCC Secretariat’s participation in this Virtual Forum on ILSAs would help the Literacy Coordinating Council in utilizing available data and information, as well as relevant policy recommendations that are crucial in the development of evidence-based policies geared towards universalizing literacy in the Philippines.
Terence Joshua Canlas