The teleconference held last July 3, 2020 was formally commenced by Dr. Diosdado M. San Antonio, Undersecretary of Curriculum and Instruction, LCC Chairperson by delivering his welcome remarks and acknowledging the presence of ASec. Alma Ruby C. Torio, all participants from DepEd CI bureau directors/heads of offices, regional directors and schools division superintendents. Usec. San Antonio reiterated that DepEd will focus on blended distance learning delivery modalities since a face-to-face interaction is not feasible in this time of pandemic. He underscored that DepEd will harness all available resources in implementing online delivery modalities to provide learning resources to its learners. He ended his message by saying to ensure the safety standards and protocols set by the IATF are strictly observed by the facilitators and learners.
The Global Book Alliance (GBA) hosted a webinar on the use of interactive radio and audio instructional resources called “Mobilizing Audio for Learning During and After COVID-19” last 25 June 2020 at 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada), via RingCentral Meetings.
Ms. Rebecca Rhodes, Team Lead of USAID Reading and Literacy, introduced the panel of experts from Global Digital Library, Education Development Center (EDC), and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Malawi. Mr. Christer Gundersen of Global Digital Library discussed about GDL Radio as a GBA flagship initiative, which is being funded and managed by Norway. It is a collection of Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) and Interactive Audio Instruction (IAI) resources that can be accessed by the following countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya G-Youth, Liberia, Malaki Tikwere!, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zanzibar.
Discussions on Mobilizing Audio for Learning were presented by Dr. Rachel Christina, Director of International Basic Education under EDC; Dr. Simon Richmond, Team Leader of ICT in Education under EDC; and Ms. Dorothy Matiti of USAID Malawi. Ms. Matiti introduced Interactive Audio Instruction delivery options which can be done through radio (IRI), mp3 or CD, and mobile phone. Comparative advantages on these three (3) options were identified based on their accessibility, flexibility, and need for electricity. Among the IAI Challenges include capacity development, production costs and quality, user support, technology, among others. Meanwhile, Dr. Richmond focused on the Practical Advice for Audio Repurposing by preparing parents and their homes, adapting content, materials distribution, and messaging.
The online session featured wide range of USAID-funded audio teaching and learning resources accessible to Global Digital Library’s (GDL) missions and partner governments. Insights and recommendations on audio utilization to support learning amidst COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen education system resilience were also provided. Education representatives and audio learning experts across the globe, who participated in the said webinar, gained knowledge on the power of audio as an education system enhancement, utilizing available resources, and ensuring the quality of repurposed existing resources and new materials development through Panel Discussion with experts.
The third virtual Technical Working Group (TWG)
Meeting on the LCC’s Compilation of Local Government Units (LGUs) and
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) with Best Practices on Literacy was held on
June 24, 2020 at 9:00 AM via Microsoft Teams. The Literacy Coordinating Council
Secretariat (LCCS), together with the TWG and Council Representatives, mainly discussed
the objectives, criteria and requirements on the submission of entries
regarding the Literacy Programs of selected LGUs and NGOs to be compiled and
included in the second LCC Coffee Table Book. Technical specifications for the printing
of the said book, as well as the proposed agenda for the 142nd LCC Meeting were
also raised during the videoconference. Another topic taken up was the drafting
of the Council’s Official Statement about their initiatives on Basic Education
and Literacy amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The virtual meeting was participated in by Dr.
Heidi B. Macahilig of the Philippine Normal University (PNU); Ms. Susan M.
Carandang of National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA); Mr. Zaldy I.
Masangkay of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG); Mr.
Nemesio O. Malatamban III of the House of Representatives; Ms. May R. Cinco of
the Education Network (E-Net) Philippines; Ms. Aurea Jean A. Abad, TWG Member;
and the LCC Secretariat head and staff.
Following the success of the first session of the joint UNESCO-UNICEF-the World Bank webinar series on Framework for Reopening Schools, Learning in the COVID-19 Era, the second and third sessions of the same event continued on June 11 and 13, both from 15:00-16:30 (Paris Time, GMT +2), respectively. The said endeavor is a part of the Global Education Coalition on COVID-19 efforts to support governments in strengthening distance learning and facilitating the reopening of schools.
The second session of the joint webinar series entitled “Safe School Operations” highlighted the current evidence, tools and practice on safe operations. The said webinar was formally commenced by welcoming the participants and introducing the speakers which was delivered by Mr. Robert Jenkins, Global Chief of Education, UNICEF. This was followed by the panelists’ presentations shared by Mr. Stefan Swartling Peterson, Global Chief of Health, UNICEF; Ms. Elyse Leonard, Safe Schools Advisor, Save the Children Norway; Mr. Matthias Lansard, Chief of Education, UNICEF Senegal; and Ms. Lisa Bender, Education in Emergencies, UNICEF. During the session, it was mentioned that school readiness is very important. Guidelines must be ensured that they are “easily translated to the ground” under the supervision of the program coordinators, school heads, and teachers, among others. It was also reiterated that it has always been an interagency effort. Everyone must participate in securing the safety of school and learners as utmost priority. Strategies such as practicing social distancing, providing adequate safety and health essential supplies to the teachers and learners, splitting the learners into smaller groups, intensifying deployment of distance learning programs, and extending the academic year were also emphasized to the participants during the webinar. The activity was concluded with an open forum wherein the panelists enthusiastically answered each query raised.
After the two sessions of the joint webinar series, the third meeting was held that focused on “Well-being & Protection.” On this activity, the discussion delved on how partners address concerns related to children’s holistic well-being through mental health/psychosocial support, school health, school feeding and child protection. The said undertaking was formally opened by Mr. Jenkins by greeting the participants and providing the purpose and overview of the activity. Afterwards, Dr. Ashley Nemiro, Save the Children; Mr. Andres Felices Sanchez, Chief of Education, UNICEF Venezuela; Mr. Chris Castle, Chief of Section for Health and Education, UNESCO; and Ms. Carmen Burbano, Director of School Feeding Division, World Food Program talked about their respective presentations to the group. It was underscored during the session that it is important to support the students’ well-being and continue learning during COVID-19 school closures by reaching out to them and their caregivers, discussing home learning with them, and connecting them to key services. The social and psychological models that surround the children such as teachers, parents and caregivers must also be highly observed and educated in giving proper support during the time of crisis. Another effective strategy shared with the participants was the principle of coordination and complementarity. It was mentioned that vertical approach means building on strategies at the global and regional levels, and contextualizing the approach at the national and local levels; while the horizontal approach means working with the Ministry of Education and other education clusters, standardizing the tools that are used, coordinating with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and partners to modify the modalities of intervention, and adapting to the situation of the pandemic and its confinement. The session ended with the panelists responding to the participants’ questions during the open forum.
The remaining sessions of the webinar series are expected to happen on the 24th and 29th of June. Each webinar session is mostly attended by focal persons worldwide from the Academe, CSOs, health and safety sector, economic institutions, and research institutions, among others. The LCCS staff has successfully attended the first three webinars of the event through the Zoom platform. By joining such convergence helps the LCC in coming up with policies and guidelines relative to sustained literacy in the country by recognizing and anchoring each intervention to the diverse community needs.
As part of the Global Education Coalition on COVID-19
efforts to support governments in strengthening distance learning and
facilitating the reopening of schools, the UNESCO, together with the UNICEF and
the World Bank, launched their first joint webinar series on Framework for
Reopening Schools, Learning in the COVID-19 Era on Monday, June 8, 2020 from 15:00-16:30
(Paris Time, GMT+2). Along with the LCC Secretariat staff, other focal persons
worldwide from various sectors such as the academe, government, and research
institutions, among others participated in the said event via Zoom platform. It
was moderated by Mr. Hugues Moussy, Head of the Research and Development Team
of UNESCO- International Institute for Education Planning (IEEP), the key
points of each resource person’s topic were shared through a panel discussion.
The panelists for the said activity were: Mr. Gwang-Chol Chang, Chief of
Section of Education Policy of UNESCO; Ms. Jane Courtney, Education Specialist
of UNICEF Jordan; Ms. Tara Beteille, Senior Economist and Thematic Lead on
Teachers for the Education Global Practice, the World Bank; Ms. Rukmini
Banerji, CEO of Pratham; and Mr. David Steiner, Executive Director of Johns
Hopkins Institute for Education Policy. The said webinar was formally commenced
through a welcoming remarks by Ms. Suzanne Grant Lewis, Director of the
UNESCO-IEEP, and delightfully closed by Mr. Hugues Moussy, respectively.
The topics highlighted during were the impact of COVID-19
school closures on learning; effects of learning in primary and secondary
education, especially on the marginalized sectors; maximized participation of
the parents and the community; and ways to manage an accelerated and/or
remedial learning programs. As reiterated, it is important to come up with
blended modalities to meet divergent learning needs and capacities of the
learners amidst crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participating in such important webinars and meetings allows the LCCS to be updated with the status quo of literacy across the world, and be provided with insights and implementations on improved, dynamic and relevant literacy interventions for all types of learners.
The topics highlighted were the impact of COVID-19 school closures on learning; effects of learning in primary and secondary education, especially on the marginalized sectors; maximized participation of the parents and the community; and ways to manage an accelerated and/or remedial learning programs. As reiterated, it is important to come up with blended modalities to meet divergent learning needs and capacities of the learners amidst crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participating in such important webinars and meetings allows the LCCS to be updated with the current status of literacy across the world, and be provided with insights and implementations on improved, dynamic and relevant literacy interventions for all types of learners.
Participating in such important webinars and meetings allows the LCCS to be updated with the status quo of literacy across the world, and be provided with insights and implementations on improved, dynamic and relevant literacy interventions for all types of learners.
The Literacy Coordinating Council Secretariat (LCCS), headed by Mr. Enrico Mendoza, participated in the Orientation on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) and Learning Delivery Modalities (LDMs) for the Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Strand via Zoom Virtual Meeting on June 8, 2020.
LCC Chairperson Diosdado M. San Antonio, DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, commenced that the Schools Division Offices (SDOs) should be conceptualized to address their needs on the efficient monitoring and effective implementation of learning delivery modalities in this time of crisis. He also expressed his warm gratitude to Assistant Secretary Alma Ruby C. Torio, as well as all the bureaus and divisions under the CI Strand, for their conjoined efforts and support toward the delivery of quality education in the country, especially during this pandemic.
BCD Director Jocelyn DR Andaya presented the K to 12 MELCs: Responding to the Needs of the New Normal, including the COVID-19 challenges in education and DepEd’s response through the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). On the other hand, BLD Director Leila Areola discussed the Learning Modalities in the New Normal, focusing on the Face-to-Face, Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and Homeschooling program. She also laid down the Plan of Actions, and Basic Considerations (Access, Readiness, Conditions/Situations, and Availability of Resources) in addressing the challenge in the Philippine Education System. She also elaborated the utilization of ICT systems (e.g. Learning Resource Portal and DepEd Commons) and other available media, including the television and radio, as alternative delivery modes of learning. The Learning Resource (LR) Portal is the official learning resources repository management of the department; while the DepEd Commons is the official online delivery platform to support blended learning modalities.
Discussions on these competencies and learning delivery modalities for the “new normal in education” were also participated in by DepEd CI Strand bureau directors and office heads, namely Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD) Dir. Jocelyn DR Andaya; Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD) Dir. Leila Areola; Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA) Dir. Nelia Benito; Bureau of Learning Resources (BLR) Dir. Edel Carag; Teacher Education Council (TEC) Secretariat Dir. Runvi Manguerra; the Indigenous Peoples Education Office (IPsEO) head Ms. Lourie Victor, and LCCS Chief Mr. Enrico R. Mendoza. Dir. John Arnold Siena from the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) also attended the webinar.
LCC’s second virtual TWG meeting was held earlier today, 28
May 2020, via Microsoft Teams. Technical Specifications for the 2019 LCC
Research Journal on Literacy and Guidelines for 2020 Call for Research Papers
on Literacy were the main agenda of the said meeting. These are the activities
under the KRA of Policy Formulation and Research, proposed to be conducted in
lieu of the cancelled implementation of the National Literacy Conference and
Awards this year.
The eighteen (18) research studies on literacy which were presented during the 2019 National Literacy Conference held on October 8-10, 2019 in Iloilo City, will be featured in the said research journal. This year, LCC proposes to launch the second wave of the Call for Research Papers that will focus on ensuring sustainability of literacy efforts amidst the crises that our country faces, including Taal Volcano eruption, COVID-19 pandemic, among many others. Such research studies shall provide policy recommendations which may be used by the Council for relevant policy formulation.
The videoconference was participated in by Dr. Heidi B. Macahilig
of PNU; Ms. Susan M. Carandang of NEDA; Mr. Zaldy I. Masangkay of DILG; Mr.
Nemesio O. Malatamban III of the House of Representatives; Ms. Melinda T. Quiñones of PIA; Ms. Aurea
Jean A. Abad, a resource person; and the LCC Secretariat head and staff.
The second part of the two-day online session with a topic on
the effective delivery of videoconferencing and teleconferencing was held
earlier today at 9:30-11:00 AM via Microsoft Teams.
Mr. Mark Anthony C. Sy, Head of Information and Communications Technology Service – Educational Technology Unit (ICTS-ETU), presided over the webinar aimed at sharing techniques in conducting videoconferencing and teleconferencing; creating an artificial intelligence in monitoring online forms and distribution of digital certificates; and determining proper etiquette in conducting online conference. He also moderated an open forum and hands-on workshops on: creating online documents (Google Forms and Sheets) and automated certificate generator through artificial intelligence using add-ons (formLimiter and Autocrat), which could be installed from Google Suite Marketplace; and using Microsoft OneNote for minutes recording, information gathering, and multi-user sharing.
The LCC Secretariat (LCCS) expresses its gratitude to DepEd ICTS-ETU for sharing constructive parameters on utilizing available resources during this “new normal in Philippine Education” in executing webinar broadcasts, videoconferences, and teleconferences to fulfill the organization’s mandate in universalizing literacy.
The Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA)
through the DepEd Information and Communications Technology Service –
Educational Technology Unit (ICTS-ETU) spearheaded a two-day webinar series on
the effective delivery of teleconferencing, video conferencing, and webinars
for OUA Strand. The first part of the webinar series with a topic on conducting
effective Webinar Broadcast was participated earlier today from 9:30 AM to 11:00
AM local time via Microsoft Teams. Together with the LCC Secretariat (LCCS) personnel,
the said capacity building program was also attended by key personnel of the
Administration Strand and other bureaus/ divisions of DepEd Central and
Regional offices.
DepEd ICTS-ETU Head Mr. Mark Anthony C. Sy chaired over the
online activity aimed at discussing constructive guidelines, techniques, and
parameters on maximizing online resources in conducting webinar broadcasting to
attain sustainable and effective work delivery during this “new normal” amidst COVID-19
pandemic. He also presided an open forum and hands-on workshop on creating and
using a StreamYard account, which is a free or paid alternative live video production
tool in any supported browser (Chrome, Firefox and Opera only) wherein a user
can connect a social media platform group/page/profile, stream their own
website, and utilize other online features.
Mr. Salvador E. Manansala I of Schools Division Office (SDO)
Mandaluyong City, Mr. Mark Anthony F. Jamisal of SDO Antipolo City, and Mr.
Mark Anthony F. Papa of SDO Cavite also shared their actual experiences and the
interactive applications they use (StreamYard, Canva and Snapchat) on
delivering virtual trainings as Webinar Moderator, Host, and Director,
The second part of this online session with a topic on the effective delivery of videoconferencing and teleconferencing will be held tomorrow, 21 May 2020 at 9:30-11:00 (GMT +8).
Dr. Carl Balita conducted a webinar on May 1, 2020, in cooperation with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry through the PCCI-Human Resources Development Foundation. Dr. Balita has created the OMNI-Modal Learning Experience Model to help teachers prepare for the disruptions brought about by the 4th Industrial Revolution in the VUCA world, and currently being accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The participants to this were University and College Presidents, Deans, Principals, Academic leaders, teachers and DepEd CI strand.