The International Development Institute (IDI) and RTI International hosted jointly a one-day workshop on Improving Learning Outcomes at School Level Post-Pandemic, supported by USAID Philippines on August 12, 2021 via Zoom. This workshop was participated in by select personnel from DepEd bureaus/offices and other participants from Ghana, India, Nepal and Romania. Dr. Thomas LeBlanc, USAID Philippines Director of Education, commended all participants for completing the training course in April 2021 and going extra mile in leading schools during this pandemic. He also thanked Usec. Diosdado M. San Antonio and DepEd for their support and continued collaboration. This follow up session enabled the participants to share what they have learned from the previous program and how they were able to utilize any of them at their work.

USAID Philippines Director of Education Dr. Thomas LeBlanc delivers his opening remarks.

Prof. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor, Mathematical Sciences, shares how the Singapore’s philosophy “Teach Less, Learn More” has helped improve its education.

Mr. Jonathan Kassa, Board Member, North Penn School District, PA (USA) presents best practices in leading schools during pandemic which includes health and safety protocols; challenges with education and hybrid model; engaging parents and community to reduce dropouts; and utilizing data for decisioning.

Ms. Anisha Sharma, Principal, Delhi Public School, Siliguri (India) highlights the importance of the 4 Cs (Communication, Critical thinking, Collaboration and Coordination) in education and solutions to continue learning through various platforms.
The LCC Secretariat wishes to express its deep gratitude to the IDI, RTI International and USAID Philippines for engaging us anew in this peer-to-peer learning which will be helpful by getting opportunities to reflect on our knowledge base and skills and identifying opportunities to apply course learning to our unique national and school contexts.
Czarina D. Abellonar
How does the LCC Secretariat participate in IDIS discussions aimed at enhancing post-pandemic learning outcomes at the school level?
LCC Secretariat Joins the IDI’s Workshop on Improving Learning Outcomes at the School Level Post Pandemic – LCC Deped
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