Anchored on its goal to recover lost learning so that learners can return to or enroll into education at the level that suits their age and situation, the Catch Up Project of the World Vision is designed as a community-based intervention that is responsive to learners’ needs and context. The project intends to focus on catch-up learning to support most vulnerable children who experienced disruption and need a target intervention to ‘catch-up’.

Given its already established partnership, Mr. Geomel P. Jetonzo, Brigada Pagbasa Program Director of World Vision Development Foundation together with Prof. Flora C. Arellano of the Education Network (E-Net) Philippines, met with Mr. Enrico R. Mendoza, Head of the LCC Secretariat and Ms. Marikka P. Mampusti, lead focal person for the Advocacy, Social Mobilization, and Partnerships last February 9, 2023 to beef up the implementation and widen the reach of the program with the assistance of the Literacy Coordinating Council.
The meeting covered Mr. Jetonzo’s presentation on the rationale of the program including its objectives, implementation strategy, approach, key design features. Mr. Jetonzo shared that the program serves as a first-aid solution that can be used by anyone who are interested to teach literacy in their respective communities, let it be the teachers, non-DepEd volunteers, student volunteers, and guardians of learners. One of the highlights of the meeting was the discussion of the potential areas for support of the LCC in scaling up the implementation of the program which includes increased involvement of the organization on LCC activities including its conferences, fora, and summits. LCC also commits to include the World Vision as one of its identified partners that local government units and non-government organizations can refer to should they initiate to implement a community-based literacy reading program to improve their literacy situation in the ground.

Now, more than ever, the LCC and its Secretariat reechoes its support to the Brigada Pagbasa program as it continuously works on the development of interventions that aid in lessening the learning gap through its literacy programs. Through this partnership, it is reaffirmed that it takes a village to raise a child, hence, villagers in the form of the World Vision are gladly welcome as one our allies in universalizing literacy in the country.
For local government units, nongovernment organizations, or anyone who wish to know more about the Brigada Pagbasa’s Catch Up Program (CUP), kindly visit the link: https://bit.ly/BrigadaPagbasa_CUP. Those who are interested to implement the Brigada Pagbasa CUP may reach out to the LCC Secretariat through email at lcc@deped.gov.ph to facilitate smooth coordination with the proponent organization for potential collaboration.
LCC Secretariat