With the aim of ensuring the effectiveness of literacy program implementation at the community level, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) through its lead member agency for research, the Philippine Normal University (PNU), conducted the first Orientation Workshop on the Foundational Framework for Exemplary Community-Based Literacy Programs and Engagement for Luzon Cluster. The said event was participated in by various local chief executives, literacy administrators, implementers, workers and advocates representing the Local Government Units (LGUs) and Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) from Regions I, II, III, IV-A (CALABARZON), IV-B (MIMAROPA), V, and NCR.
Dr. Judy C. Bautista and Dr. Merry Ruth M. Gutierrez of PNU discussed the Foundational Framework and the Analytic Scoring Rubric or the M&E tool while Dr. Boyet L. Batang, Dr. Maria Azela L. Tamayo and Dr. Leonora P. Varela moderated the discussions among the participants. Held virtually via Microsoft Teams, the said capacity building activity was also livestreamed via DepEd’s Facebook Page and Youtube account on April 29, 2021.
The next leg of the orientation activities will be happening on May 4 and 14, 2021 for Mindanao and Visayas clusters, respectively. The LGUs and NGOs from these clusters are cordially invited to attend.
The International Development Institute (IDI) in Washington, DC organized a free webinar presentation and discussion on Quality, Equity and Inclusion in Education: Post-Pandemic Response held on April 15, 2021 via Zoom. This webinar was attended by global audiences from different countries. A distinguished panel addressed the issue on the significant effects of COVID-19 pandemic to students and learners around the world such as closure of schools, the disruptive effects to education and unprecedented including wide range of challenges, best practices, success issues, and opportunities across the education landscape. The distinguished presentors shared their practical advice and effective pedagogical strategies of sustaining a high quality and inclusive learning environment online in the context of the pandemic.
Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, Former Federal Minister of Education and V.P., World Bank underscores that universal access to education is achieved making sure that nobody is left behind.
Prof. Chandra Bhushan Sharma, Indira Gandhi National Open University, and Former Chairman of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) shares that students who can afford to have access on the latest technology will also have access to the best teachers.
Ms. Nina Weisenhorn, Advisor in Education in Crisis and Conflict for USAID identifies seeing opportunities to strengthen education and support system particularly to those struggling teachers to re-engage in education pathways.
The LCC Secretariat wishes to extend its deep gratitude to the IDI organizers for this invitation by raising awareness on how to build back more resilient education systems that facilitate quality education for all, and addressing equity and inclusion in education.
The International Development Institute (IDI), in cooperation with USAID, conducted a Leadership Program for Education Authorities (LPEA) participated in by various educators from different countries, including DepEd officials and education specialists from the Philippines. This five-day course with the theme “Improving Learning Outcomes at the School Level Post-Pandemic” was held on March 29-April 2, 2021 via Zoom. It strengthened capacity of senior education officials at the federal and provincial levels in countries in South Asia and East Africa. The objective of the course is to build their leadership capacity to better understand the new reality; revisit and reevaluate their existing plans and develop new strategic directions; set newly calibrated vision and goals; build capacity to collect and analyze data, prioritize and assess and plan to overcome implementation challenges, including political economy challenges; and monitor and evaluate their performance towards set goals. The program is designed for both policy makers and officials involved in the day to day implementation of education programs at the federal and provincial levels. Some of the lecturers from IDI who have in-depth knowledge on education, leadership and interest in empowering communities, also shared their expertise on their respective topics.
Dr. Arun R. Joshi presents the Settings Goals and Strategy for the Post-Pandemic Context
Mr. Jonathan Kassa talks about Health and Safety Protocols during disruptive times
Ms. Kerin Hilker-Balkissoon presents extensively her experience on incentivizing Teachers, Staff, Parents, and Students.
Prof. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer shares his experience on Innovations in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning as well as Decision Making with Data.
Dr. Robert Hessler in his 35 1/2 years in public education showcases his experience in School Leadership during disruptive times
The course was designed to expose and equip education policy makers and implementation authorities with the analytical, leadership, and management skills needed to effectively handle their responsibilities and continuously drive reforms in these fast changing and challenging environment. The program provided the participants from the Philippines, Romania and Ghana with an opportunity to learn directly from global experts, policy leads, and practitioners.
The LCC Secretariat wishes to convey its deepest gratitude to USAID and IDI for the privilege and opportunity they have given to all their participants who participated in this program in increasing their leadership effectiveness amidst this crisis.
On March 24, 2021, the DepEd’s International Cooperation Office (ICO) facilitated the first day of the second session of the webinar series of 2021 ASEAN and SEAMEO, with the theme “Impacts of the New Normal on Mental Wellbeing: A Discussion with Teachers and Learners” via DepEd-ICO and DepEd PH respective Facebook Pages.
The theme of the activity was in congruence to ASEAN Declaration on Culture of Prevention (CoP), Development of the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2021-2025, and the SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas. The said event is also in line with Brunei Darussalam’s theme for its ASEAN Chairmanship this 2021, “We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper.”
During the Opening Program, it was emphasized by Director Margarita Consolacion C. Ballesteros of the DepEd-ICO that, “While policy recommendations are important for the education sector, the strategic shift in mental health policy is just as equal. In order for both sides to be successful, we must apply a whole-of-society approach to promote, protect, and care for the mental health of everyone. Building a community to provide support and conducting more research need to be part of the recovery and advocacy efforts as well.”
Esteemed speakers for the said event included Mr. H.E. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary General for ASCC, ASEAN Secretariat; Mr. Mark Airon P. Creus, Principal of Juliano C. Brosas Elementary School, Division of General Trias City; Ms. Jenelle Babb, Regional Advisor on Education for Health and Wellbeing UNESCO Asia and the Pacific; Assoc. Prof. Vongdeuan Osay, Deputy Director General of the Department of Teacher Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR; Dr. Sandra B. Tempongko, Deputy Coordinator of SEAMEO TROPMED Network; Ms. Ronilda Co, Director IV of DepEd Disaster Risk and Reduction Management Service; and moderated by Mr. Angelito R. Cortez, Jr., RGC, Supervising Education Program Specialist from DepEd Bureau of Learning Delivery.
Among the discussions were the mental health issues experienced both by the teachers and learners during the transition to online and/or blended learning, impacts of the COVID-19, sharing of policies and initiatives proven to be effective in the local communities benefiting the learners, parents and teachers across select ASEAN countries, including the Department of Education in the Philippines.
The dialogue on the said webinar series will continue until tomorrow, March 25, 2021 which is still to be broadcasted in DepEd-ICO’s and DepEd PH’s Facebook Pages. Anticipated topics to be covered are the continuation of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and blended learning on the mental health of learners, recommended coping mechanisms, and sharing of experiences relative to mental wellbeing of teachers, parents and learners.
The LCC Secretariat ensures to participate in national meetings and webinars which tackle crucial issues and concerns in the country such as the mental health of teachers, parents and learners amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. By doing so, it broadens the Council’s perspective allowing it to come up with relevant policy recommendations in a holistic approach.
As a response to LCC’s mandate on policy formulation, through Dr. Judy C. Bautista of the Philippine Normal University, and his research teams, conducted the Research Study on the Foundational Framework for the Exemplary Community-Based Literacy Programs and Engagement through its Phases I, and its Validation during the Phase II in 2018 and 2019, respectively. As a result, the LCC was able to come up with a foundational framework, and analytic scoring rubric which will both serve as guides to every Local Government Unit (LGU) in the country in establishing, and monitoring and evaluating exemplary community-based literacy programs and projects.
During the 143rd LCC Meeting held on October 22, 2020 via Microsoft Teams, it was agreed upon that a DepEd Order policy shall be crafted for the national adoption of the said research outputs. As part of the next steps, the research team is also opt to provide a series of orientations to the whole country in preparation for the implementation of the relevant policy.
In connection with this, the LCC has prepared orientation activities for Clusters Luzon, Mindanao and Visayas on April 29, May 5 and May 14, 2021, respectively. The target participants for the said activities are the focal persons of various LGUs and Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) on literacy, especially those which actively participate and partner with the local communities.
The said nationwide orientation activities aim to: 1) capacitate the local chiefs and focal person of literacy at the local level on establishing exemplary community-based literacy programs in their respective communities; 2) orient the concerned key persons on literacy on the rubric to be adopted for the monitoring and evaluation of community-based literacy programs and engagement; and 3) strengthen partnership and linkages among various literacy stakeholders.
All interested participants must register through their designated Google Form link found below, earlier or at least three (3) days before the scheduled activity. It is also mandatory to secure a Microsoft Teams account by signing up for free through www.office.com and installing its application prior to the conduct of the event. It is important to use the same registered email address in the registration form in signing up for the MS Teams to ensure that the participants’ credentials will be recognized by the system, and to provide them the relevant meeting link. In order to receive a Certificate of Participation, the participants are required to accomplish the evaluation form to be posted by the LCC Secretariat after each orientation activity within the timeframe given. Please take note that the distribution of certificates is targeted to be accomplished within two (2) to three (3) weeks from the date of each conduct. All orientation activities will be simultaneously streamed through DepEd and LCC’s Facebook Page during their respective dates.
For queries and more information, your staff may contact Ms. Jem Beryline S. Bualat, Project Development Officer II, via e-mail addresses: jem.bualat@deped.gov.ph and/or lcc@deped.gov.ph.
The Department of Education (DepEd), in partnership with UNICEF conducted the Virtual Forum on International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA) on March 23, 2021 via Zoom.
The said forum, spearheaded by DepEd’s Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), aims to disseminate the findings/analysis of the Philippine test results for two ILSAs namely: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) 2019 and Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) 2019. The forum also acts as a potential avenue for DepEd and other government partners and stakeholders to identify areas of collaboration for further analysis, policy actions, appropriate program interventions, and implications to the Philippine basic education system.
The program was participated in by DepEd Central Office Curriculum and Instruction strand bureau directors and heads, DepEd regional directors and CLMD chiefs, as well as officials and representatives from the ECCDC Secretariat, NEDA-SDS, SEAMEO-Innotech, and UNICEF.
Dr. Diosdado M. San Antonio, DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction delivers the welcome remarks
Mr. Francisco Benavides, Regional Education Adviser, UNICEF-EAPRO delivers his message
Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat delivers her message
Dr. Nelia V. Benito, the director of BEA presents the TIMMS 2019 Philippine Results
Some highlights of the TIMMS 2019 results, which were presented by Director Nelia V. Benito of BEA, showed that private schools outscore public schools in terms of Science and Math. In addition, students in schools with access to computers and Science laboratories have higher achievement rates than those without proper facilities; average Math and Science achievement were also highest among 44% in students who have no disciplinary problems; and schools perceived to be very safe and orderly have one of the highest achievements.
Dir. Benito also shared BEA’s policy recommendations which include K to 12 curriculum review and updating; improvement of the learning environment; upskilling of teachers and reskilling through a transformed professional development program; and engagement of stakeholders for support and collaboration.
Dir. Tolentino G. Aquino from Region I, Dir. Arturo B. Bayocot from Region X, and Dir. John Arnold Siena from NEAP sharing their reflections on TIMMS 2019 Philippine Results
As to the second ILSA presented by BEA, the SEA-PLM 2019, some of the findings show that schools play a vital role in a student’s achievement; schools with less available resources impacts a difference in a students’ literacy rate; students with textbooks score much higher than those without textbooks; grade 5 students with a more positive attitude towards school were more likely to obtain better academic performance; students whose parents were involved in schooling obtained higher scores than those whose parents less engaged in schools; and socio-economic factors are a vital role in a student’s academic performance.
BEA, Director Nelia V. Benito presents the SEA-PLM 2019 results
Dir. Benito’s presentation ended with BEA’s policy recommendations on SEA-PLM 2019 findings, which gave emphasis on a strong interface of curriculum reforms, pedagogy, and assessment with a strong focus on classroom level assessment; greater emphasis on early learning, addressing the barriers to effective implementation of the use of mother tongue; systematic teacher professional development program and school leadership support; and improving the learning environment.
Dir. Isabelita M. Borres of DepEd Region IX and Mr. Joseph Randolph Palattao of Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD), sharing their reflections on SEA-PLM 2019 results.
Asec. Alma Ruby C. Torio, DepEd Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Instruction delivering her closing remarks
The LCC Secretariat’s participation in this Virtual Forum on ILSAs would help the Literacy Coordinating Council in utilizing available data and information, as well as relevant policy recommendations that are crucial in the development of evidence-based policies geared towards universalizing literacy in the Philippines.
The Cebuana Lhuillier Foundation, Inc. held the Resilienserye: Alternative Learning in the New Normal webinar in partnership with the Department of Education through the Alternative Learning System on March 18, 2021, from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM via Zoom Teleconference and aired through Facebook Live.
The said webinar was chaired by Cebuana Lhuillier Foundation, Inc. Executive Director Jonathan D. Batangan with DepEd Legislative Affairs, External Partnerships, and Project Management Service Undersecretary Tonisito Umali and Alternative Learning System Assistant Secretary G.H. Ambat as the guest speakers. The program aims to discuss the importance of blended learning for the Alternative Learning System during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also intends to discuss the education programs for out-of-school youths and how the ALS program implementations continue in these trying times.
The teleconference started after the welcoming remarks of CLFI Executive Director Jonathan D. Batangan and his introduction to ALS Asec. G.H. Ambat as the first speaker.
ALS Assistant Secretary G.H. Ambat has presented updates on the Department of Education’s programs through the Alternative Learning System. The DepEd-ALS was able to open the SY 2020-2021 last October 5 with Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in the table. The BE-LCP hopes to strengthen the inclusion of learning modalities, enrich the curriculum to make it relevant to learners, and provide technological upgrades and innovations in learning resources and platforms. Some of the highlights of Asec. G.H. Ambat’s presentation includes the launch of the ICT4ALS website in April 2020 in partnership with UNICEF Philippines, the rollout of the Opportunity 2.0 Project in August 2020 through the help of USAID, and the launch of DepEd ALS TV in October 2020. Her final presentation contains the ALS 2.0 Learning Continuity Highlights in partnership with Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate of the Philippines wherein she discussed the ALS Law (RA 15110), ALS 2.0 program delivery, partnerships, challenges, and solutions. Asec. G.H. Ambat concluded her presentation by sharing the ALS Vision moving forward and their hope to give out-of-school youths a chance for a better education.
Alternative Learning System Assistant Secretary G.H. Ambat during her presentation of the DepEd-ALS program in the COVID-19 pandemic
Shortly after Asec. G.H Ambat’s presentation, CLFI Executive Director Jonathan D. Batangan introduced DepEd Legislative Affairs, External Partnerships, and Project Management Service Undersecretary Tonisito Umali to tackle the Department of Education partnerships. Usec. Tonisito Umali shared his thoughts on the decreasing rate of Alternative Learning System enrollees for SY 2020-2021 and explained the DepEd Mandate on Non-Formal Delivery of Education. He also provided exciting insights on the real meaning of quality education and the need to include it in the DepEd mandate. At the end of his presentation, Usec. Umali has invited private companies and organizations for a partnership to help in their advocacy of providing quality education to ALS enrollees.
DepEd Legislative Affairs, External Partnerships, and Project Management Service Undersecretary Tonisito Umali talked about the DepEd partnerships to deliver quality education to ALS enrollees.
The webinar highlights include the question and answer portion wherein audiences had the chance to ask questions to the speakers. Some questions that were answered by Asec. Ambat and Usec. Umali involves the topic of the inclusivity of Indigenous People through the Indigenous People Education Program found in Section 8 of the ALS Act and ensuring ALS will reach the IP community through working with the Divisions Office. They also responded to a question regarding the Basic Literacy Program for Indigenous People and career paths for mobile teachers or those teaching in the ALS Program.
Asec. G.H. Ambat has also mentioned working with Usec. Diosdado M. San Antonio regarding a Joint Memorandum Circular on the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test. She clarified that completers of SY 2019-2020 and students who are in ALS earlier have a chance to pass their presentation portfolio which contains work samples for learning, showing their Mastery of Competencies and result of Functional Literacy until June this year.
Asec. G.H. Ambat and DepEd Usec. Tonisito Umali together with CLFI Executive Director Jonathan D. Batangan and Ms. Nannie Macalincag
The Resilienserye: Alternative Learning in the New Normal webinar of CLFI concluded with an inspirational message from both ALS Asec. G.H. Ambat and DepEd Usec. Tonisito Umali. The CLFI webinar will provide more insights to the Literacy Coordinating Council in delivering a valuable contribution to the DepEd-ALS programs through developing policy recommendations to address the literacy needs and inclusivity of all types of learners not just in the Philippines, but globally.
The Literacy Coordinating Council is one with the Department of Education and Cebuana Lhuillier Foundation, Inc. in intensifying the implementation of the Alternative Learning System for the benefit of out-of-school children, youth, and adults, as well as in universalizing literacy in the country.
The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction (OUCI), held the National Forum on the Language of Teaching and Learning in the Philippines on February 22, 2021 from 8:00 am to 12:00pm via Zoom Teleconference.
The National Language Forum aims to provide a space for various personas, organizations, institutions, and stakeholders in the Philippine educational community to engage each other in a series of discussions regarding the issues on the implementation of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Program in the country. Through the annual collaboration of local and international research presentations, issues on MTB-MLE relative to teaching and learning are addressed, which is geared towards initial consolidation of recommendations in order to establish a platform of continuing dialogue for the benefit of the education sector in the Philippines.
The program formally commenced after the welcoming remarks of Usec. Diosdado M. San Antonio, along with the Secretary of the Department of Education, Prof. Leonor Magtolis-Briones for the inspirational message.
Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones delivering her inspirational message prior to the start of the presentation of Local and International Language Studies
The substance of the program was divided into three (3) portions. The first portion was on the presentation of Local and International Language Studies. Various researchers were given 10 minutes to present their research and an additional 5 minutes for the questions and answer portion. Some of the highlights of the research presentations are the rationale of the MTB-MLE, the Multi-phased study of ACTRC, Process Evaluation on MTB-MLE, and the EGRA Experience.
First Portion of the National Language Forum: The Highlights of Research Studies
The second portion was on the presentation of position statements relative to Multilingual Education. Various resource persons were invited to share the status of their programs/projects relative to language learning and how they can collaborate to further improve the language and literacy in the Philippines. Some of the position statements tackled were on various literature studies and RRL on MTB-MLE, policies relative to language issues, status of the situations of teachers and students, various statistics of the overall performance of students, recommendations for language learning, other studies on the importance of MTB-MLE, among others.
Senator Sherwin T. Gatchalian, Head of Committee on Basic Education, Arts, and Culture, Senate of the Philippines, presenting his position statement on the MTB-MLE in Teaching and Learning
The third portion of the program focused on the open forum, which focused on a central question: the challenges and factors revolving around the implementation of the MTB-MLE in the Philippines as a multilingual nation.
Some of the highlights during the open forum involve a comparison of qualitative and quantitative research studies, citations, and statistics relative to the challenges of the implementation of Multilingual Education. Based on the presented research data, it was also reiterated that national education agencies such as the DepEd and CHED should collaborate to continue addressing the issues on the contextualization of multilingual education. Suggestions on how to efficiently develop materials and train teachers relative to the flexibility of languages and implementation of MTB-MLE were also discussed.
Dr. Diane E. Dekker and Dr. Arthur P. Casanova sharing their insights on the MTB-MLE
The National Language Forum concluded with the closing program after the presentation of the synthesis, ways forward including key areas for further research, and the closing remarks.
Asec. Alma Ruby C. Torio, Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Instruction delivering her Ways Forward for the 2021 National Language Forum
Director Nelia V. Benito, Director IV, Bureau of Learning Delivery presenting her closing remarks
The participation of the LCC Secretariat in this Forum would allow the Literacy Coordinating Council to gather valuable insights from various personas, organizations, institutions, and stakeholders, not only in the Philippine educational community, but also the international education sectors, which can be used in developing policy recommendations to address the literacy needs of all types of learners, as well as the challenges of the implementation of MTB-MLE, which is a global education issue, especially in the Philippines.
Some of the participants during the 2021 National Language Forum
Ang Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) ay nagsagawa ng libreng Webinar sa Korespondensiya Opisyal sa wikang Filipino na ginanap noong 18 Pebrero 2021 mula 8:00nu-4:00nh sa Zoom platform. Ito ay bilang pagtugon sa iniaatas ng Kautusang Tagapagpaganap Blg. 335.
Layunin ng seminar na ito ang bigyan ng oryentasyon ang mga pinuno at kawani ng pamahalaan sa paggamit ng wikang Filipino sa mga opisyal na korespondensiya at hikayatin ang mga ahensiya ng pamahalaan na gamitin ang wikang Filipino bílang opisyal na wika ng komunikasyon at korespondensiya sa serbisyo publiko. Lalo na sa panahong ito ng krisis na mahalagang naiintindahan ng mamamayang Filipino ang mga programa at proyekto ng pamahalaan.
Nagbigay ng pambungad na mensahe sina Dr. Arthur P. Casanova, Akting Tagapangulo ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino, Dr. Alma Ruby C. Torio, Kawaksing Kalihim ng Kurikulum at Instruksiyon mula sa Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (DepEd), at Ms. Evelyn Perez, kinatawan ng Kagawaran ng Kalusugan (DOH).
Dr. Arthur P. Casanova, Akting Tagapangulo ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino
Dr. Alma Ruby C. Torio, Kawaksing Kalihim ng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (DepEd)
Ang KWF ay nakikipag-ugnayan sa iba’t ibang ahensiya ng pamahalaan upang maisalin sa wikang Filipino at wikang katutubo ang mga sumusunod: 1) Bisyon at misyon ng ahensiya o local na yunit ng pamahalaan; 2) Gabay ng Mamamayan (Citizen’s Charter); 3) Ilang proseso at karatula na maggagabay sa mga kliyente; 4) Pangalan ng mga tanggapan at sangay ng opisina; 5) Kalatas, poster, brochure at mga katulad na materyales at iba pa upang maunawaan ng ating mga kababayan na nabibilang sa laylayan ng ating lipunan.
Ang nasabing webinar ay dinaluhan ng mga opisyal at kawani mula sa Kagawaran ng Edukasyon at Kagawaran ng Kalusugan. Kaisa ang Literacy Coordinating Council sa layuning ito ng KWF upang payabungin pa ang paggamit ng wikang Filipino sa serbisyo publiko.
In recognition of the untiring and unwavering efforts and contributions of DepEd Regional Offices, Schools Division Offices, and Public Schools in ensuring quality learning among all types of learners even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Education through DepEd Memorandum No. 002, s. 2020 launched the 2019-2020 Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Curriculum and Instruction (SAFE CI). This initiative aims to acknowledge and recognize the exemplary contributions of these offices who are whole-heartedly serving the public school learners by providing them with quality education.
On February 5, 2021, the SAFE CI Awarding Ceremony, which was participated by DepEd central and field officials was conducted via Zoom and DepEd TV Facebook Live. The opening program commenced at exactly 8:00 am. Prior to the start of the awarding proper, the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, Diosdado M. San Antonio gave his words of gratitude along with the Secretary of the Department of Education, Prof. Leonor Magtolis-Briones for the inspirational message.
Asec. Alma Ruby Torio, Asst. Secretary for Curriculum and Instruction giving her welcome remarks
Usec. Diosdado M. San Antonio, Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction giving his words of gratitude
Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones giving her inspirational message prior to the start of the awarding proper
The winner for the Most Learning-Focused Public Elementary School category and the recipient of the SAFE CI Plaque of Recognition is San Francisco Pilot Central Elementary School of SDO Agusan Del Sur, CARAGA Region under the leadership of Glyna A. Moscosa. Other finalists who qualified on the said category and awarded with a Certificate of Recognition are Dinalupihan Elementary School of SDO Bataan, Region III headed by Ma. Fe Teresa Penaflor; Dolores Central Elementary School of SDO Eastern Samar, Region VIII headed by Mario Cabunas Lascano; Balogo Elementary School of SDO Bukidnon, Region X headed by Nancy R. Prantilla; and Marbel 1 Central Elementary School of SDO SOCCSKSARGEN, Region XII headed by Ma. Fe Lita S. Yparraguirre.
Under the category Most Learning-Focused Public Junior High School, Ozamiz City National High School of SDO Ozamiz City, Region X under the leadership of Lilibeth Abamonga came out on top as the bearer of the Plaque of Recognition. Other finalists who received a Certificate of Recognition under that category are Pinaripad National High School of SDO Quirino, Region II headed by Catherine V. Atchuela; Dahat National Vocational High School of SDO Camarines Sur, Region V headed by Zaldy R. Rivero; Salunayan High School of SDO Cotabato, Region XII headed by Annie M. Samillano; and Bayugan National Comprehensive High School of SDO Bayugan City, CARAGA Region headed by Minda I. Teposo.
For the Most Learning-Focused Public Senior High School category, Bukidnon National High School of SDO Malaybalay City, Region X under the leadership of Susan S. Olana secured the top rank and received the Plaque of Recognition. Other finalists who were awarded with a Certificate of Recognition are Sorsogon National High School of SDO Sorsogon City, Region V headed by Marilyn Barbin-Divina; Tanque National High School of SDO Roxas City, Region VI headed by Susana L. Leccio; Notre Dame Village National High School of SDO Cotabato City, Region XII headed by Yusoph Thong A. Armino; and Bayugan National Comprehensive High School of SDO Bayugan City, CARAGA Region headed by Minda I. Teposo.
Susan S. Olana as the head of Bukidnon National High School
For the category Most Learning-Focused Schools Division Office, SDO Cavite Province from Region IV-A CALABARZON under the leadership of Schools Division Superintendent Rommel C. Bautista obtained the number one rank and received the SAFE-CI Plaque of Recognition. Other finalists who qualified to receive a Certificate of Recognition are SDO Quirino from Region II headed by SDS Flordeliza C. Gecobe; SDO Angeles City from Region III headed by SDS Leilanie S. Cunanan; SDO Guimaras from Region VI headed by SDS Ma. Roselyn Falcat; and SDO Cabadbaran City from CARAGA Region headed by SDS Gilda G. Berte.
Rommel C. Bautista as the School Division Superintendent of Cavite Province
The recipient of the SAFE CI Plaque of Recognition for being the Most Learning-Focused Regional Office for 2019-2020 is DepEd Region X, Northern Mindanao under the leadership of RD Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot. Other finalists are Region IV-A CALABARZON headed by RD Wilfredo E. Cabral; Region VI headed by RD Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma; Region XII headed by RD Allan G. Farnazo; and CARAGA Region headed by RD Francis Cesar B. Bringas.
Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot as the Regional Director for Region X-Northern Mindanao
A Certificate of Recognition was also given to the SAFE CI Screening Committee Members for their efforts in ensuring the integrity and credibility of the awarding results.
SAFE CI Screening Committee Members from the BHROD, IPsEO, TECS, and LCCSAFE CI Screening Committee Members from the Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD)SAFE CI Screening Committee Members from the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA)SAFE CI Screening Committee Members from the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD)SAFE CI Screening Committee Members from the Bureau of Learning Resources (BLR)
The LCC Secretariat wishes to congratulate all the SAFE CI winners, as well as the DepEd Curriculum and Instruction Strand for the huge success of this initiative. The Department of Education, along with all other bureaus and offices regardless of their strand and location stands as one family which supports a foundation of trust, excellence, and camaraderie to fulfill a mutual obligation to serve the country and provide quality education to public school learners.