Cover Page of the recently completed Technical Report on the National Literacy Framework spearheaded by the Philippine Normal University
On May 5, 2022, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) Secretariat released via the National Literacy Information System (NLIS) the digital copy of the LCC’s Technical Report on the National Literacy Framework (NLF). Spearheaded by the Philippine Normal University, the Council’s lead member agency for Research, the research team composed of Dr. Heidi Macahilig, Project Director and Researcher, and Mr. Michael James Edpao, Researcher, conducted a study that developed an overarching framework of literacy skills and competencies that Filipinos need to develop and be equipped with for 21st century living. The definition of literacy which was included in the report was in the context of the Filipinos vis-à-vis the age of FIRe (fourth industrial revolution), and capabilities needed for 21st century living.
Dr. Heidi Macahilig presenting the National Literacy Framework to the Council during the 149th LCC Meeting on March 29, 2022 via Microsoft Teams
During the 149th LCC Meeting, the Council declared that this research output is essentially valuable for policy formulation in the country’s education system and literacy governance. Copies of the said report were also provided to DepEd’s Bureau of Curriculum Development, and the Philippine Statistics Authority for their consideration respectively on the relative curriculum review and crafting of the survey tool for the next conduct of Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS).
Geared towards the universalization of literacy, the Council comes up with various programs, projects and activities, which aim to cater to the emerging and diverge literacy needs of the country. This includes the conceptualization and conduct of a wide array of research studies on literacy; thus, the NLF, being one of them.
In connection with this, the LCC Secretariat would like to extend its gratitude to all concerned DepEd Regional and Schools Division Offices, Alternative Learning System Focal Persons and teachers, persons-in-charge of literacy programs from Local Government Units and Nongovernment Organizations, learners, and other relevant education stakeholders nationwide for sharing their expertise and participating in this important research endeavor. Hence, the LCCS would like to congratulate everyone for making this milestone possible and for bringing us all closer to the eradication of illiteracy in the country.
Technical Report on the National Literacy Framework released via LCC’s National Literacy Information System
The Council continues to yearn for research initiatives and forging of partnerships with different stakeholders. It strongly believes that by having a rich data on literacy will yield into better and relevant policy recommendations.
To view and get a copy of the technical report, please visit this link.
Be updated with LCC’s programs, projects, and activities through the LCCS’ official Facebook account and LCC website.
In pursuit of achieving zero illiteracy in the country, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) has been continuously improving its systems and processes, including program management.
In line with this, as provided for under Office Memorandum no. OM-LCC-2022-002, the LCC Secretariat instituted the program pillars that serve as foundations in developing and managing the Council’s projects and activities on literacy, as mandated by law. Consequently on March 29, 2022, during the LCC’s 149th council meeting, the Secretariat launched the five (5) Program Pillars “LIYAB” which stands for Likha, Ilaw, Yaman, Aruga and Buklod.
This acronym, which in English means “blaze” represents the flame that is being symbolized in the LCC’s official logo. Each program pillar resonates the core function of the Council through its Key Result Areas namely, Policy Research and Development; Advocacy, Social Mobilization and Partnerships; Knowledge Management; Learning and Organizational Development; and Localization of LCC.
For further information, kindly refer to the attached infographics.
The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), in line with its provision of proactive technical assistance to the education sector, conducted a Deepening Session on Gender and Development for Program Implementers on March 23-25, 2022 held via Zoom. The session’s objective is to level off the understanding of participants on GAD concepts and core messages to increase the capacity in promoting GAD in their area of jurisdiction. This online session was participated in by the Three Key Implementing Agencies (KIAs) from the PCW, DepEd and TESDA.
Atty. Kristine E. Yuzon-Chavez, Executive Director, Philippine Commission on Women delivers her welcome message.
Ms. Pamela C. Susara, Supervising GAD Specialist, PCW, presents the training overview.
A non-graded pre-test was administered by Ms. Joenna Tabu-Tattao, PCW Resource Person, to determine level of knowledge of participants on basic GAD concepts, GAD and mandates, gender mainstreaming and gender-based violence.
The GAD online training session seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value. Government agencies are urged to have a GAD program to which at least 5% of their General Appropriations Act (GAA) total budget should be allotted.
LCCS and other education stakeholders’ participation in this activity will increase appreciation on gender mainstreaming as a strategy in achieving a gender fair education and understand GAD mandates and its relevance to education sector.
After its deferral last 2020 due to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Literacy Coordinating Council has finally commenced its preparatory measures for the conduct of the 2022 National Literacy Awards (NLA) that is set to be conducted in September. Regarded as the major program of the LCC under its Advocacy, Social Mobilization, and Partnerships’ belt, the 2022 NLA is a biennial event that aims to honor and recognize outstanding individuals, institutions, local government units, and nongovernment organizations for their dedication, commitment, and contribution in eradicating illiteracy in their respective communities. To onboard members and ensure alignment within its member agencies, the LCC Secretariat had the privilege to present the guidelines of the NLA as stipulated in the DepEd Memorandum no. 22, s. 2022 on 2022 National Literacy Awards. This happened last March 29, 2022, during the Council’s 149th LCC meeting. The specific parts highlighted are the objectives of the 2022 NLA, its categories, and processes involved in the whole conduct such as the nomination, regional selection, and national selection process. This was presented by Ms. Marikka P. Mampusti, focal person of the program.
On top of the presentation of the guidelines, the nominated members of the Board of Judges who are responsible for the screening, evaluation, and onsite validation of regional NLA entries and selection of the national winners for each of the NLA categories have also received their approval from the Council.
In line with its effort to make headway in ensuring the successful conduct of the NLA, the LCC Secretariat has committed to strengthening the dissemination of the program’s information, education, and communication materials to boost the advocacy of the NLA and at the same time, stir up the interest and drive of the literacy champions all over the country to join the NLA.
Moreover, to guide our field personnel on the activities and procedures set forth in the DM 22, s. 2022, the LCC shall hold a national orientation on April 20-22, 2022 which specifically aims to (a) increase awareness on existing programs, projects, and activities of the LCC; (b) capacitate field personnel on the processes and documentary requirements needed to facilitate the nomination, selection, and validation of NLA entries efficiently and effectively; (c) build readiness and confidence of field personnel in spearheading pertinent activities for the 2022 NLA.
After the completion of the discussion on the other agenda items for the 149th LCC meeting, namely Status of Agreements from the 148th LCC meeting, presentation of LCC’s FY 2022 Q1 Accomplishments and Q2 Activities, and approval of the LCC resolution on the adoption of the Manual on the Creation of Local Literacy Councils, the meeting was peacefully adjourned at 10:50 in the morning. For more information on the 2022 NLA, kindly read the DepEd Memorandum No. 22, s. 2022 at
Yesterday, March 29, 2022, Dr. Heidi B. Macahilig, Philippine Normal University’s representative to the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) presented the results of the research study on the Development of the National Literacy Framework (NLF) during the 149th LCC Meeting. Dr. Macahilig, the research director explained the salient points of the study that yielded to the re-definition of what literacy is, geared towards 21st Century Skills and Fourth Industrial Revolution. She elaborated that the Filipino consciousness and unique features of the Philippine educational system play a huge role in literacy development in the country. This includes local literacy landscape as dictated by geography, economy, politics, languages and cultures. Hence, the development of the NLF.
Dr. Macahilig made clear that the framework developed as a result of the study could already be used for policy review and development.
As part of the next steps, the LCC Secretariat will provide a copy of NLF’s technical report to relevant agencies and offices for information and reference in policy formulation and program development, including the Philippine Statistics Authority in consideration of the definition of literacy, as well as the survey questions currently being reviewed for the next conduct of the Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS).
This LCC’s research initiative is significant to nation building especially on redefining what a literate Filipino is and equipping him/her with skills in order to be truly functional, productive and excellent amidst the 21st century.
Once finalized, the technical report for NLF can be accessed online via the Research on Literacy portal of the National Literacy Information System (NLIS) lodged at the LCC website (
The Bureau of Curriculum Development in coordination with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Center for Health Solutions and Innovations Philippines, Inc. (CHSI) held a Workshop on the Development of Communication and Messaging for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) entitled “Setting the Stage: CSE Messaging Co-creation Workshop.” DepEd officials and personnel, field implementers, CSE TWG Members, CSE Regional Focal Persons, SSG/Student Leaders, Parents and other relevant stakeholders participated the said event on March 7-8, 2022 via Zoom.
Ms. Amyline Quien Ching sharing to the participants what makes up an effective and concrete message to the desired target group
On Day 1, the group focused on the advocacy of CSE and the importance of each individual in promoting this cause and garnering support through partnerships and linkages. The said dialogue also included sharing of challenges encountered across all governance level and introduction of communication geared towards advocacy. Meanwhile, on Day 2, the discussion highlighted the effective ways of constructing messages to varied target audience and the power of communication. This 2-day workshop provided a safe yet engaging environment to all participants resulting to rich sharing of insights and perspectives, and in-depth learning from everyone during the breakout sessions and presentation of outputs.
Facilitators are assigned for each breakout group to ensure the active engagement and commitment from all participants in promoting and advocating the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).
As part of the next steps, the organizers will be conducting a series of coaching sessions with the rest of the group sometime in April this year.
Finally, Ms. Amyline Quien Ching, one of the resource persons, asked everyone to post online their respective commitments before proceeding to the Photo Opportunity.
The Council would like to thank the BCD for extending its invitation to the LCC Secretariat. Raising awareness and being in one on this advocacy is truly relevant especially on the rise of teenage and unwanted pregnancies and widespread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the country today. Engagement in unsafe sexual activities and unprepared pregnancies are two of the reasons a youth/adult becomes out of school. Understanding deeply this multi-faceted concept provides relevant perspectives and rich insights from the ground to the Council, affecting its future literacy policies and directions.
Participants posing together during the Photo Opportunity
The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development, through Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) called for participants from the Central Office holding permanent positions to participate in the Batch 3 of 2021 Online Learning Program for Public Service Excellence: “Working Effectively in the New Normal.” The onboarding session was held on February 11, 2022 via Microsoft Teams. This initiative was made by BHROD headed by Atty. Anne Rachel C. Miguel, Director IV. The objective of the session is to orient the participants on the rationale, activity design and arrangements of the program.
Ms. Cecille A. Anyayahan, Project Development Officer V of BHROD-HRDD, graced the program and welcomed all participants from different bureaus and offices of DepEd. Ms. Anyayahan underscored that e-learning saves time and resources; leads to better retention; provides standardized learning; scalable; and offers personalization. She encouraged everyone to maximize the advantages of e-learning by levelling up their attitude and challenging themselves; disciplining themselves by being mindful of their time and preparation will also be useful. Participants who will complete the online learning course shall receive a certificate of completion.
This program is a self-directed offering, using online platform and content, aimed at helping LCCS and other DepEd personnel navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the new normal, preparing them to stay ahead of change, and become effective public servants during and in the post-pandemic period.
One of the Group Photos taken during the conduct of 2021 LCC Research Symposium dated December 2-3, 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
More than a month ago, the LCC Secretariat (LCCS) hosted the 2021 LCC Research Symposium via Microsoft Teams which was also simultaneously broadcasted in DepEd’s and LCC’s Facebook Pages. On December 2-3, 2021, the said event was well-attended by researchers who were recognized as finalists in response to LCC’s Call for Papers on Literacy dated August 7, 2020 through DepEd Memorandum (DM-CI-2020-00194) nationwide. One of the highlights of the virtual symposium was the Awarding of Certificates to the eighty-five (85) research papers and their respective researchers through an Audio-Visual Presentation. The said research papers and researchers were celebrated for their notable contributions to research and continuity of literacy in spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from the issuance of the certificates, a cash incentive amounting to Php30,000.00 (inclusive of tax) for each recognized research paper was also announced to be awarded to the lead researchers or officially designated recipients of the said prize. As of this writing, the cash prizes are still being processed and are anticipated to be completed within the first quarter of 2022. The said incentive was one of the Council’s initiatives to honor the researches on literacy at the grassroots level and to boost their pertinent activities and impact especially in the local communities.
LCC’s official banner for the 2021 LCC Research Symposium
The awarded research studies revolved around the themes of: 1) Alternative Learning Delivery Modalities (e.g. Distance Learning such as Modular, Online, TV/Radio-based Instruction; Blended Learning; and Homeschooling) in Times of Crisis; 2) Impact of Stakeholder Participation or Support to Effective Literacy Program Implementation through the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act; and 3) Community-Based Literacy Programs Implemented in Times of Crisis.
On Day 1, Dr. Diosdado M. San Antonio, DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, and Secretary’s Permanent Representative to the Council, welcomed the participants through his message while Dr. Bert J. Tuga, President of the Philippine Normal University, the Lead Member Agency for Research, delivered his Opening Remarks. Afterwards, Ms. Aurea Jean A. Abad, Technical Working Group (TWG) Member, presented the first set of research presenters from Regions VII, CALABARZON and MIMAROPA, namely: Dr. Bobby M. Cabangon, Dr. Karheena E. Adriano and Ms. Veronica M. Faigao, respectively, during the Plenary I. Ms. Josephine L. Babaran from the Philippine Information Agency then introduced the next research speakers from Regions CALABARZON and XI. They were Ms. Maria Ghea C. Mohammad, Mr. Jucell J. Lauron and Dr. Reymund M. Ferry, respectively. Ms. Evelyn A. Castro from the Department of the Interior and Local Government served as the Master of Ceremonies for the said date.
Ms. Evelyn A. Castro serving as the Master of Ceremonies during the Day 1 of 2021 LCC Research SymposiumMr. Ronald P. Del Rosario hosting Day 2 of 2021 LCC Research SymposiumDr. Diosdado M. San Antonio, DepEd’s Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction, and DepEd Secretary’s Permanent Representative to the Council, welcoming the participants during the Day 1 of 2021 LCC Research SymposiumDr. Bert J. Tuga of the Philippine Normal University delivering his Opening Remarks to the participants
On the other hand, Mr. Ronald P. Del Rosario hosted the Day 2 of the said virtual symposium. After the preliminaries, Ms. May A. Cinco, TWG Member, shared the introduction for the last set of research presenters. On Plenary III, Dr. Ray Butch D. Mahinay, Dr. Bienvinido E. Infante and Ms. Shirley D. Velasco represented Regions X, XI and CALABARZON, respectively. Each plenary since Day 1 was always concluded with an Open Forum facilitated by the same presenter of resource persons.
On the latter part of the program for Day 2, Ms. Jem Beryline S. Bualat, LCCS’ focal person for Policy Research and Development, shared the next steps for the virtual research symposium. The program then highlighted the Awarding of Certificates for the following: 1) Research Presenters for Day 1 and 2, 2) Program Committee Members, and the 3) 85 Research Papers and their Researchers recognized as symposium finalists and recipients of LCC’s cash incentive mentioned above. Lastly, the summary of policy recommendations culled from the plenaries was presented by Mr. Nemesio O. Malatamban III from the House of Representatives while the Closing Remarks was delivered by Mr. Enrico R. Mendoza, Head of LCCS.
The eighty-five (85) research papers and their respective researchers being recognized as the symposium finalistsGroup Photo taken by the Research Presenters of Day 1 and 2 (except Dr. Karheena E. Adriano)
The LCCS would like to thank once again all researchers from DepEd, Local Government Unit, Nongovernment Organizations and other interested parties for joining LCC’s first virtual research symposium. We also highly appreciate the immense support extended by the DepEd’s technical team, the Public Affairs Service, and the Information and Communications Technology Service, and the Council Members.
Cash incentives intended to be received by the researchers in recognition of their efforts are currently being processed and will be released on or before March 2022.
Stay tuned for the next conduct of research symposium to be announced through official communication and via LCC Facebook Page at this link.
To view and download the research presentations, along with the list of presented topics and their respective presenters for each plenary, kindly click “Presentations” from this link.
To get a copy of the Summary of Policy Recommendations, please check here.
To watch the AVP featuring the 85 Awarded Research Papers and the recorded 2-day virtual research symposium, click “Documentation” here.
Other Photo Opportunities taken by the participants during the virtual 2-day LCC Research Symposium:
Jumping off from the challenging year that was brought to us by the pandemic, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) has commenced the year with much hope and optimism to emerge from the lessons learned from the previous year and establish a renewed focus in delivering programs, projects, and activities with excellence.
With the goal to sustain literacy advocacy and intensify social mobilization efforts and existing partnerships, the LCC has kicked off the year through the conduct of a workshop on the development of the LCC Communication Plan, which was later finalized and adopted by the Council through an LCC Resolution. Shortly after that, the LCC ran a workshop on the finalization of the LCC Coffee Table Book Volume 2 that highlights the best practices and success stories of the implementation of literacy programs initiated by various LGUs and NGOs. By April 2021, the LCC had begun its months-long preparation for the 2021 National Literacy Conference which was successfully conducted on September 6 to 7, in conjunction with the annual celebration of the National Literacy Week. Additionally, to boost the literacy advocacy, the annual 2021 LCC-NGO Forum was held last November 16-17, 2021 where Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders from different sectors convened to share their best and innovative practices during the new normal, and at the same time, provide policy recommendations instrumental in eradicating illiteracy in the country.
With the aim to increase public awareness of LCC’s programs and projects, the Council has also conducted multiple workshops to widen the reach of available platforms and materials that serve as the council’s channel of knowledge and information for its stakeholders. This has been acted upon through the development of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials that paved the way to the production of audio-visual presentations (AVPs) bringing light to the major programs and projects of the LCC. Furthermore, this was followed with the workshops on the crafting and lay-outing of the 2021 LCC Annual Report, enrichment of the LCC website, series of database updating and system enhancement, and development and finalization of the 11-module National Literacy Information System (NLIS) User’s Manual.
With policy research and development as one of its cores, the LCC has also been successful in its mission to provide policy and program directions for all literacy endeavors in the country through the adoption of the LCC Resolution No. 01 – Guidelines on the Foundational Framework and Analytic Scoring Rubric for Exemplary Community-based Literacy Programs and Engagement which was backed by the conduct of series of Orientation Workshops for the Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao clusters, as well as the development of a Research Manual for the Foundational Framework for Exemplary Community-based Literacy Programs and Engagement, to ensure effective implementation of the policy. In addition, the LCC has also carried out the 2021 Research Symposium where researchers all over the country congregated and were recognized for their hard work and grit in doing the groundwork for literacy in the form of research.
Apart from strengthening the literacy advocacy in keeping research and policy development at arms’ length, the LCC has also lived up to its mandate to promote literacy at the grassroots level particularly in the Local Government Units (LGUs) through the creation of local literacy councils. This commitment has been performed through the conduct of a series of workshops specifically on the development, lay-outing, and finalization of the Manual on Localization of LCC, as well as on the development of a monitoring and evaluation tool for the LCC Localization.
On top of all these accomplishments, the LCC has remained dedicated in the pursuit of continuous improvement not only of the delivery of its programs, projects, and activities but also of its workforce management. Aside from the established practice to assess the performance of the Council every midyear and year-end, LCC held a series of activities for its Secretariat on Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS), which focused on performance review, rating, commitment, and planning. The LCC Secretariat has also been capacitated with the right mindset, attitude, and approach to suitably adapt to and cope with the new normal with the help of a series of pep talk sessions and staff development workshops for the whole year. Over and above that, the LCC has also stepped back to strategically and systematically plan how to eradicate illiteracy in the country through the series of workshops on the recalibration, validation, and finalization of the LCC Roadmap and 2022 LCC Strategic Plan, as well as the conduct of LCC’s quarterly council meetings.
In total, the LCC has conducted 42 virtual activities and 3 major events. Having all these programs, projects, and activities successfully carried out, the LCCS has also strengthened its culture of feedback through the analysis of results gathered from evaluation forms issued in all its events and activities. On average, the LCC ecstatically shares its rating of 3.92 out of 4 which signifies its very satisfactory performance in running its activities and events. To celebrate these milestones and recognize excellent performance, the FY 2021 LCC Secretariat Awards was conducted with the theme “Recognizing Excellence, Celebrating Wins.” This initiative is part of the Council’s Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE).
With the year 2021 coming to a close, the LCC acknowledges the upheaval of the last two years but at the same time, looks forward to the following year with much more confidence and optimism that little by little, eradication of illiteracy in the country will not only be a dream but a goal achieved.
LCC in Partnership with Education Network (E-Net) Philippines Celebrates Literacy Champions’ Innovations and Contributions through the Conduct of the 2021 LCC-NGO Forum
22 November 2021 – The Department of Education, through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) Conducts the 2021 LCC-NGO Forum in Celebration of the Innovations and Contributions of Literacy Champions from NGOs and LGUs and Gather Policy Recommendations from Various Stakeholders
Anchored in its vision to universalize literacy in the country by forging partnerships and linkages among literacy champions, the LCCS, in cooperation with Education Network (E-Net) Philippines, has conducted its first virtual 2021 LCC-NGO Forum with the theme, CSO-LGU Partnerships: Sustaining Literacy Advocacy in the New Normal and Beyond last November 16-17, 2021. In this year’s conduct of the forum, the LCC aimed to broaden CSO-LGU Partnerships to sustain literacy advocacy in the new normal beyond, provide a platform to share best practices and innovations in literacy advocacy, and develop evidence-based policy recommendations gathered from various literacy stakeholders.
Having the unprecedented disruptions and massive changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the LCC acknowledges the hard work and contributions of different stakeholders from various sectors that managed to proactively work on sustaining the literacy advocacy in the country. Among these stakeholders came from Civil Society organizations (CSOs), People’s Organizations (POs), Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs), and the Local Government Units (LGUs).
The 2-day event focused on three significant and relevant topics namely, (1) Good Practices and Innovations in Literacy Within the Framework of Lifelong Learning, (2) Literacy Advocacy: Adapting to the New Normal and Moving Forward and Beyond the Pandemic, and (3) Strengthening CSO-LGU Partnerships for Literacy. The forum was graced with the presence of esteemed guest speakers who brought great impact and contribution to the advocacy of literacy during the normal beyond. Viewers and participants were also given the opportunity to raise concerns, questions, and clarifications to the speakers during the Open Forum.
On top of that, the goal to gather policy recommendations was achieved by giving the participants the opportunity to submit their policy recommendations which were responded to by the Forum’s honorable guest, Hon. Roman T. Romulo, Representative of the Lone District of Pasig City. Moreover, Cong. Romulo has also expressed his support and appreciation to the efforts made by LCC and E-Net Philippines. It was affirmed that universalization of literacy in the country is a shared vision and remains to be an utmost priority as he shared some of the initiatives and policies currently being pushed for in Congress relative to literacy.
The forum concluded with 250 attendees on Zoom and a combined of 15,000 viewers in the live coverage of the event streamed through the Literacy Coordinating Council, E-Net Philippines, and DepEd Philippines Facebook pages. The LCCS is more than grateful for the participation and support of literacy advocates in the universalization of literacy in the country. The recorded live stream is available for viewing on the mentioned Facebook pages and all presentation materials used during the forum are uploaded on the LCC website at under the LCC_NGO Forum webpage.
The LCC treats the success of the event with the highest regard and is looking forward to the active participation of its fellow literacy advocates in the next year’s LCC-NGO Forum. As highlighted by DepEd Undersecretary Diosdado M. San Antonio, literacy advocacy is a responsibility shared not only of the Department of Education but of CSOs, LGUs, and the citizens. Now, more than ever, our Bayanihan spirit has paved the way for us to work together in creating highly literate Filipinos.
For more information, contact LCC through email at